Ernst von Windheim

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Ernst von Windheim (born June 6, 1891 in Ragnit , Prussian Lithuania , † January 31, 1946 ) was a German administrative lawyer in Prussia.


His family had belonged to Hanover's patricians since the 14th century and passed into the nobility around 1750 .

Windheim studied law at the Georg-August University in Göttingen . In 1911 he was in the Corps Bremensia recipiert . After his exams in 1921 he worked as a government assessor for the government in Schleswig . In 1922 he worked for the main trading company in Königsberg i. Pr. He then moved to the district administrator in the Solingen district . 1925-1930 he was Councilor for the Government in Frankfurt . In 1930/31 he represented the district administrator in the district of Guhrau , province of Silesia . Back in the province of Brandenburg , he became the district administrator in the Guben districtappointed. There he officiated as district administrator until he was put into temporary retirement on May 5, 1933 after the NSDAP came to power . Windheim was a member of the German Democratic Party and remained in the party renamed the German State Party.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ordinance sheet for Greater Berlin, 4th year, No. 14 of April 7, 1948, p. 166.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 39/1106
  3. Reinhold Zilch , Bärbel Holtz (edit.): The protocols of the Prussian State Ministry 1817–1934 / 38. Vol. 12 / II. In: Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): Acta Borussica . New episode. Olms-Weidmann , Hildesheim 2003, p. 730 ( Online ; PDF; 2.2 MB).