Conquest of Jerusalem (587/586 BC)

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Approximate extent of the New Babylonian Empire in the 6th century BC Chr.

The conquest of Jerusalem in the summer of 587 BC BC was the second conquest of the city by the Chaldeans under the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II (reign 604-562 BC). The year is sometimes 586 BC. Chr. Indicated. Jeremiah reports ( Jer 52.12  EU ) that the invasion of Jerusalem and the subsequent destruction took place in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign on Av 10th .


In 605 BC BC Nebuchadnezzar defeated Egypt and thus also gained supremacy over the kingdom of Judah , the southern Jewish kingdom. Its king Jojakim initially made tribute payments . In 601, however, Nebuchadnezzar was defeated by an Egyptian army , whereupon Judah stopped making payments. Nebuchadnezzar then conquered in 597 BC Chr. The first time Jerusalem.

Nebuchadnezzar made Jehoiakim's second successor Zedekiah swear an oath of allegiance ( 2 Chr 36.13  EU and Ez 17.13  EU ). Zedekiah broke the promise in his ninth year of reign (589 to 588 BC), as he had probably made efforts to forge an anti-Babylonian coalition ( Jer 39.5  EU and 2 Kings 25.6  EU ).


Jeremiah mourns the destruction of Jerusalem ( Ilya Repin , 1870)

The Babylonian ruler sent his army and besieged Jerusalem on January 10, 590 BC. Chr. Greg. ( 10. Tebetu ) ( 2 Kings 25.1  EU ; Eze 24.1  EU ). The siege was interrupted by the intervention of the Pharaoh Apries ( 26th Dynasty ), who provided military aid to Judas with his army. Nebuchadnezzar II first withdrew his troops and Apries returned to Egypt. This enabled the Babylonians to siege Jerusalem again.

The Babylonian army could finally on July 23, 587 BC. Chr. Greg. ( 9. Du'uzu ) under the leadership of the Babylonian general Nergal-šarra-usur, conquer the city of Jerusalem and destroy it in the course of August. Zedekiah fled to the Jordan Valley, but was caught up there and abandoned by his followers. He was captured and taken before Nebuchadnezzar; he had Zedekiah's sons slain in front of his eyes, then had Zedekiah blinded and led to Babylon in chains.


On August 20, 587 BC Chr. Greg. ( 7th Abu ) had Nebuchadnezzar's official Nabu-šarra-iddina ( Nebusaradan ), according to the Bible, the commander of the bodyguard, set fire to the temple (in which the ark of the covenant was presumably lost) and all major buildings in Jerusalem; the rest of the Judean upper class and part of the people were taken into captivity (see Babylonian Exile ). This ended the kingdom of Judah.

See also

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Individual evidence

  1. Important breakthrough in Biblical archeology: Existence of Babylonian officially connected with the Fall of Jerusalem and mentioned in the book of Jeremiah confirmed in cuneiform tablet. British Museum , 2017, accessed January 14, 2018 .
  2. Chronology of the Bible , Baruch-Verlag 2008, p. 125.
  3. Günter Stemberger and Mirjam Prager (eds.): The new large bible in color - Lexicon , Zweiburgen Verlag, Weinheim 1983, p. 103 (Nebuchadnezzar).
  4. Zeittafeln zur Military History , Bechtermünz, Augsburg 2000, ISBN 3-8289-0380-0 , pp. 25, 91.