Erpold Lindenbrog

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Erpold Lindenbrog, woodcut in Ernst Joachim Westphal's Monumenta inedita (1741)

Erpold Lindenbrog (* 1540 in Bremen ; † June 20, 1616 in Hamburg ) was a Hamburg notary and historian.


Erpold Lindenbrog came from a land-owning family in the Osterstade region in the ore monastery of Bremen . His father was a bailiff in Rechtenfleth . He became a notary in Hamburg and was the owner of a small prebend at Hamburg Cathedral . As a historian, he dealt with old manuscripts and focused on the history of the Archdiocese of Hamburg-Bremen . In addition, Heinrich Rantzau gave him his handwriting of Adam of Bremen . In addition, he used the library of the Hamburg Cathedral, which later came to the Hamburg City Library . His own extensive library and the libraries of his sons Heinrich and Friedrich Lindenbrog also ended up in the city library.


  • Scriptores rerum Germanicarum septentrionalium, vicinarumque populorum diversi . de Bry, Frankfurt am Main 1609.


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