Erzsébet Schaár

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Erzsébet Schaár: Self-Portrait

Erzsébet Schaár (born July 27, 1908 in Budafok , Austria-Hungary , † August 29, 1975 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian sculptor .


In 1924 she attended the arts and crafts school ( Budapest Székesfővárosi Iparrajziskola ) for two years and then studied at the University of Fine Arts in Budapest with Zsigmond Kisfaludi Strobl . Since 1926 she exhibited at exhibitions, the first solo exhibition took place in Budapest in 1932. At the beginning of her career, she mainly designed realistic character portraits. At that time she received recognition from Béni Ferenczy .

In 1935 she married the sculptor Tibor Vilt . In the late 1940s she created small wooden sculptures that are reminiscent of figures by Alberto Giacometti . In 1950 the son Pál was born. At the beginning of the 1960s, new materials such as styrofoam , a lightweight plastic, made it possible for her to realize her ideas on a larger scale. In addition, there was the inclusion of architectural elements in her works. Windows, doors or a box-like room became just as important as human figures. This is how the sculpture Ajtók ( Doors ) was created in 1967 and is now in the garden of the Szent István Király Museum in Székesfehérvár . In 1974 her monumental work entitled Utca ( Street ) was shown there in the museum , a 24-meter-long life-size sculpture made of styrofoam, textiles, tow, mirror glass and plants.

In 1970 there was a large retrospective exhibition of her works in the Kunsthalle Budapest ( Műcsarnok ), followed by exhibitions in Antwerp and Geneva in 1972 . After her death, her works were shown in the Lehmbruck Museum in Duisburg in 1977 . During her life, numerous sculptures of her were installed in the public spaces of Hungarian cities, in which well-known personalities were often portrayed. In Miskolc there is a statue of the actress and opera singer Róza Széppataki Déryné (1793–1872) in the courtyard of the National Theater, in Mohács the bust of the composer Béla Bartók , in Békéscsaba busts of Zoltán Kodály and Karl Marx , in Szeged a bust of Ferenc Móra , in Debrecen a bust of Lőrinc Szabó , in Kecskemét the statue Nő virággal ( Woman with a flower ) and in Pécs a self-portrait. In Budapest there are portraits of the following people: György Goldmann (1904–1945), Imre Henszlmann , Vilma Hugonnai (1847–1922), Adolf Káldor (1882–1944), Károly Kernstok and Miklós Radnóti .

In 1962 she received the Mihály Munkácsy Prize ( Munkácsy Mihály-díj ) and in 1972 she was awarded the Érdemes művész .

The Szent István Király Museum in Székesfehérvár houses a collection of her works ( Schaár Erzsébet Gyűjtemény )

Her grave is in the Farkasrét cemetery ( Farkasréti temető ) in Budapest.

Sculptures (selection)

  • Gyermekfej (lead, 1926)
  • Kint és bent (wood, 1949)
  • Marcell Benedek (bronze portrait, 1963)
  • Irén Psota (lead portrait, 1964)
  • Halott katonák (bronze, 1965)
  • Szerelmesek (terracotta, 1965)
  • Álló fiú (bronze, 1965)
  • Fotelben ülő (plaster, 1965)
  • Koré (bronze, 1966)
  • Béla Bartók (portrait, 1965)
  • Fiúbüszt (bronze, 1965)
  • Mihály Károlyi (bronze portrait, 1965)
  • Ólomfal (1967)
  • Ajtók (aluminum, 1967)
  • Belső tér (bronze, 1967)
  • Három fal (bronze, 1968)
  • Egy kapcsolat története - Székek (bronze, 1967–1972)
  • Tudósok (artificial stone, 1968–1970)
  • Fal előtt és fal mögött (aluminum and bronze, 1968)
  • Bronztükör (glass and bronze, 1969)
  • Miklós Radnóti (bronze portrait, 1969)
  • Kirakat (bronze and glass, 1970)
  • A kékszakállú herceg vára (glass and bronze, 1970)
  • Sachsenhauseni emlékmű (artificial stone, 1971)
  • Lőrinc Szabó (plaster portrait, 1973)
  • Vilma Hugonnai (plaster portrait, 1973)
  • Utca (styrofoam and plaster, 1974)
  • Marx-portrék (plaster of paris and wire, 1974–1975)


  • Gyula Rózsa: Egy magyar szobrász útja: Schaár Erzsébet . In: Kritika - művelődéspektivenai és kritikai lap . tape October 10 , 1975, p. 18-19 .
  • Péter Kovács (eds.): Erzsébet Schaár, Tibor Vilt. Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum, Duisburg 1977, DNB 770609341 .
  • Péter Kovács: Schaár Erzsébet. Gondolat, Budapest 1995, ISBN 963-282-737-6 .

Individual evidence

  1. Schaár Erzsébet (1908-1975) - Művek az emeletről. Szent István Király Múzeum, accessed on March 27, 2018 (Hungarian).
  2. Schaár Erzsébet (Vilt Tiborné). Nemzeti Örökség Intézete, accessed on March 27, 2018 (Hungarian).

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