It's time

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Handover of the open letter to the Federal Chancellery

EsIstZeit (#EsIstZeit) is the name of a German gender equality campaign, initiated by Berlin activists Vincent-Immanuel Herr and Martin Speer (known as Herr & Speer ). The political campaign campaigned for the opening of marriage to same-sex couples and was supported by 150 celebrities and around 58,000 citizens. The campaign received nationwide attention.

The open letter

The campaign was based on the open letter #EsIstZeit, addressed to Chancellor Angela Merkel , which first appeared on Spiegel Online on June 1, 2015 and was handed in on the same day by the activists at the Federal Chancellery and the Federal Press Office . In the letter, Herr & Speer demand full rights for homosexual couples and the lifting of the parliamentary group . For the authors, the question of opening marriage is not just about the “rights of a minority, but also about our understanding of equality, freedom and justice.” Mr and Speer put the dismantling of discrimination against sexual minorities on a level with the US Civil rights movement and the advocacy for women's rights . They refer to the question of marriage as a "decision of conscience."


The open letter was supported by around 150 personalities from politics, sport, culture, science and business. Including u. a. the musicians Udo Lindenberg , Nena , Die Ärzte , Thomas D , the actors Til Schweiger , Jan Josef Liefers , Maren Kroymann , Wotan Wilke Möhring , Benno Fürmann , the scientists Sabine Schmidtke , Christina von Braun , Walter Homolka , Annette Kreutziger-Herr and die Cultural professionals Dietmar Schwarz , Claudius Seidl , Burkhard C. Kosminski .

Top politicians from the SPD, Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, FDP and Linke also signed the letter, including a. Cem Özdemir , Katrin Göring-Eckardt , Simone Peter , Volker Beck , Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger , Katja Suding , Nicola Beer , Gesine Meißner , Sahra Wagenknecht , Gregory Gysi , Jan Stöß , Sven Gerich . The only signatories from the CDU were Diana Kinnert and Alexander Vogt.

On July 2, 2015, the organizers read the letter publicly together with prominent co-signers in front of the Chancellery. Over 58,000 people signed the letter on the petition platform .

On June 30, 2017, the Bundestag voted successfully on the opening of marriage. On this occasion, Herr & Speer symbolically joined forces in front of the Chancellery with the campaign # EheFürAlle von Open Petition . A total of around 115,000 people contributed to the joint project.

Web links

Website of the activists Herr & Speer

Individual evidence

  1. Open letter to Merkel: Celebrities call for equality in gay marriage . In: Spiegel Online . June 1, 2015 ( [accessed October 13, 2017]).
  2. ^ Sign the petition. Retrieved October 13, 2017 .
  3. Marriage for All: Celebrities call for marriage to be opened up to gays and lesbians . In: The time . June 1, 2015, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed October 13, 2017]).
  4. "It's time": SpOn publishes an open letter from celebrities to Angela Merkel about gay marriage ›Meedia. Retrieved October 13, 2017 .
  5. ↑ The wording of an open letter to Merkel: "It's time!" In: Spiegel Online . June 1, 2015 ( [accessed October 13, 2017]).
  6. Open letter on gay marriage: List of co-signatories . In: Spiegel Online . June 1, 2015 ( [accessed October 13, 2017]).
  7. Hendrik Lehmann: Politicians and celebrities demonstrate for marriage for everyone . In: Der Tagesspiegel Online . July 2, 2015, ISSN  1865-2263 ( [accessed October 13, 2017]).
  8. ^ Sign the petition. Retrieved October 13, 2017 .
  9. ^ Sign the petition. Retrieved October 13, 2017 .
  10. Final equality of "gay marriage" | Marriage for everyone! - online petition. Retrieved November 12, 2017 .