Eugene Lerch

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Eugen Lerch (born December 25, 1888 in Berlin , † November 16, 1952 in Mainz ) was a German Romance studies and linguist .


He was the son of the businessman Philipp Lerch and his wife, née Marie Flehr. From 1909 Lerch studied Romance and Germanic philology in Berlin, Gießen and Munich with Adolf Tobler , Heinrich Morf , Hermann Paul and Karl Vossler . With Vossler, the founder of the idealistic school, he received his doctorate at the University of Munich in 1911 and completed his habilitation there in 1913. In 1914 he married Sarah Sonja Rabinowitz , from whom he wanted to divorce in early 1918. In January 1918 she was an activist at the side of Kurt Eisner in the Munich munitions workers strike and committed on March 30, 1918 inStadelheim remand prison suicide . Lerch married Gertraud Herz in 1918 and had two sons with her.

In 1921 he became associate professor in Munich. In 1930 Lerch was offered the chair for Romance Philology at the University of Münster , but was suspended there in 1934 because of his pacifist convictions. In 1933 he translated The Two Sources of Morality and Religion by Henri Bergson (Diederichs Verlag, Jena 1933). After the war he was appointed to the University of Mainz , where he a. a. Hans Helmut Christmann had as a student.


  • The use of the Romance future tense as an expression of a moral ought . Reisland Verlag, Leipzig 1919.
  • Historical French syntax . Reisland Verlag ,. Leipzig 1925/34.
  1. Definition of syntax, syntactic methods . 1925.
  2. Subordinate clauses and subordinate conjunctions . 1929.
  3. Modality . 1934.
  • Main problems of the French language . Westermann Verlag, Braunschweig 1930/31.
  1. General . 1930.
  2. Special . 1931.
  • French language and character . Diesterweg Verlag, Frankfurt / M. 1933.
  • The memorial study Studia Romanica (edited by Charles Bruneau and Peter M. Schon), Stuttgart 1955, dedicated to Lerch, contains a complete list of publications.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eugene Lerch. German biography
  2. UTZ MAAS tracking and emigration of German-speaking linguists 1933–1945 ( Memento of the original from January 12, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. ^ Albert Earle Gurganus: Sarah Sonja Lerch, née Rabinowitz: The Sonja Irene L. of Toller's "Masse-Mensch" , in: German Studies Review , Vol. 28, 3 (Oct. 2005), pp. 607-620, passim