Eugen Wohlhaupter

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Eugen Wohlhaupter (born September 7, 1900 in Unterwiesenbach , † December 23, 1946 in Tönsheide ) was a German legal historian . His areas of work were the early medieval legal history of Bavaria, old Spanish legal history, canon law , legal folklore and the legal history of Schleswig-Holstein . His work about the “poet lawyers” appeared posthumously. During National Socialism, he confessed to the new state, not least for career reasons, but was not given a full professorship.

Live and act

Eugen Wohlhaupter actually wanted to become a doctor, but decided to study law in order to benefit from a scholarship from the Maximilianeum Foundation . He passed his legal traineeship exam in 1924. He entered the Bavarian preparatory service. In 1925 he received his doctorate on the Aequitas canonica (canonical equity). He became Konrad Beyerle's assistant . After his assessor exam in 1927, he qualified as a professor in Munich in 1929 on the high and low courts in Bavaria's medieval court system . As a scholarship holder of the Görres Society , he worked temporarily in Spain between 1929 and 1931. He was considered an expert in recent legal history and canon law . Politically, the Catholic Wohlhaupter was close to the Bavarian People's Party (BVP), which he had joined in 1931.

For career reasons, Wohlhaupter joined the Nazi Legal Guardian Association and the National Socialist People's Welfare (NSV) in 1933 . but not a member of the Nazi lecturers' association . In May 1937 he also became a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP). He was attacked by colleagues and professed to support National Socialism. Nevertheless, he did not receive a full professorship. In the summer semester of 1934 he held a chair in Greifswald and from the winter semester of 1934/35 the chair of Karl August Eckhardt at the University of Kiel . So he worked at the so-called " Shock Troop Faculty ." From April 1935 he was a non-civil servant associate professor and from November 1940 an extraordinary professor for German law. In 1943/44 he was again a full professor and in May 1944 he became a regular associate professor. Only from this point in time was Wohlhaupter a member of the Kiel Faculty of Law. The party chancellery and the “Hauptamt Wissenschaft” in the Rosenberg office had previously appealed against the appointment to a chair .

By order of the British occupation forces, Wohlhaupter was dismissed from public service in July 1945. On December 30, 1946, the military government announced his reinstatement, which was dated back to December 21, 1946 due to his death.

Fonts (selection)

Monographs and Articles

  • Aequitas canonica. A study from canon law Studentenhaus, Munich 1925, (Munich, University, Dissertation, 1925; extended: (= Görres Society for the Care of Sciences in Catholic Germany. Publications of the Section for Law and Political Science. 56, ZDB -ID 987354 -5 ). Paderborn Schöningh 1931).
  • High and low court in the medieval court system of Bavaria (= German law contributions. Vol. 12, No. 2, ZDB -ID 510524-9 ). Winter, Heidelberg 1929.
  • Studies on the legal history of God's and rural peace in Spain (= German law contributions. Vol. 14, No. 2). Winter, Heidelberg 1933.
  • The popular farmers in Schleswig-Holstein. In: Kieler Blätter. H. 2/3, 1938, ZDB -ID 551260-8 , pp. 163-185.
  • The town charter of Friedrichstadt a. Eider (1633). A contribution to the history of reception in Schleswig-Holstein. In: Studi di storia e diritto in onore di Enrico Besta per il XL anno del suo insegnamento. Volume 2: Storia e Diritto. Giuffré, Milan 1939, pp. 213-233.
  • Legal sources of Schleswig-Holstein. Volume 1: History of Schleswig-Holstein's legal sources from its beginnings to the year 1800 (= publications by the Schleswig-Holstein University Society . 47, ZDB -ID 503396-2 ). Wachholtz, Kiel et al. 1938.
  • The development of the Aragonese land law up to the Código de Huesca (1247). In: Studi di storia e diritto in onore di Carlo Calisse. Volume 1: Storia del diritto. Giuffré, Milan 1940, pp. 377-410.
  • The candle in law (= research on German law. Bd. 4, H. 1, ZDB -ID 343555-6 ). Böhlau, Weimar 1940.
  • Poet lawyers. Published by HG Seifert . 3 volumes. Mohr, Tübingen 1953–1957;
  • Volume 1: Savigny-Brentano. Savigny-Arnim. Thibaut-Schumann. Goethe. Grillparzer. Kleist. 1953;
  • Volume 2: Zacharias Werner. ETA Hoffmann. Eichendorff. Uhland. Grabbe. Immermann. Heine. 1955;
  • Volume 3: Hebbel. Reuter. Storm. Basement, cellar. Bushel. Dahn. Timm Kroeger. Lawyers as artists. 1957.
  • The legal primer. German law in the past. Edited by Hermann Baltl . Staackmann, Bamberg 1956.


  • Laws of the Visigoths (= Germanic rights. Texts and translations. 11, ZDB -ID 1029124-6 ). Böhlau, Weimar 1936.
  • Old Spanish-Gothic rights (= Germanic rights . Texts and translations. 12). Böhlau, Weimar 1936.


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