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Evrychou (Cyprus)
Basic data
State : Cyprus RepublicRepublic of Cyprus Cyprus
District : Nicosia
Geographic coordinates : 35 ° 2 '  N , 32 ° 54'  E Coordinates: 35 ° 2 '  N , 32 ° 54'  E
Height above d. M .: 440  m
Residents : 827 (2011)
LAU-1 code no .: CY-01
Website: evrychou.org.cy
View of Evrychou
View of Evrychou

Evrychou , Greek Ευρύχου , also Evrykhou , Evrihu , Evrih , is a mountain village in the Nicosia district on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus with 827 residents. Evrychou is located between fruit and olive trees in the Solea Valley at the foot of the Troodos Mountains at an altitude of 440 m, about 50 km from Nicosia .

The place was from 1904 to 1951 on the Famagusta – Morphou railway line . The station building that has been preserved was restored in 2006. It was planned to set up a railway museum in the station, which was closed in 1933 .

The Church of Saint Marina in Evrychou, built in 1872


  • Θεοχάρης Κινάνης Ευρύχου - Ιστορία & Παράδοση (Theocharis Kinanis Evrychou - History & Tradition ), Λευκωσία 2005, ISBN 9963-9170-0-3 ( In Greek )

Web links

Commons : Evrychou  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Statistical Seevice (download, accessed February 11, 2019)
  2. Σιδηροδρομικός Σταθμός. In: evrychou.org.cy. May 12, 2004, accessed October 28, 2017 .