ISO 3166-2: CY

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The list of ISO-3166-2 codes for the Republic of Cyprus contains the codes for the 6 districts.

The codes consist of two parts separated by a hyphen. The first part gives the country code according to ISO 3166-1 (for the Republic of Cyprus CY), the second the code for the district.

The current country code has not been updated since it was published in 1998.

The current codes are available on the ISO website under #iso: code: 3166: CY .

Districts of the Republic of Cyprus
district code
Famagusta CY-04
Kyrenia CY-06
Larnaka CY-03
Limassol CY-02
Nicosia CY-01
Paphos CY-05


The codes still take into account (2018) including the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus . The republic there, which is not internationally recognized, has made a new division into five districts, which has not yet been changed in ISO 3166-2 for Turkey, and for which no new designation for an independent Northern Cyprus has been applied for: Northern Cyprus applies thus the previous classification in "CY" continues.

See also

  • ISO 3166-2 , country code reference table.
  • ISO 3166-1 , reference table of country codes (2 digits)