Evgeny Charadze

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Evgeni Kirillovich Charadse ( Georgian ევგენი ხარაძე * October 18 jul. / 31 October  1907 greg. In Tbilisi ; † 10. October 2001 ) was a Georgian astronomer and university teachers .


Charadze studied astronomy at the University of Tbilisi with a degree in 1930. Then he was an aspirant at the Institute for Theoretical Astronomy in Leningrad until 1934 . In 1932 he became director of the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory of the Georgian Academy of Sciences (until 1992). In 1936 he received his doctorate as a candidate in physical-mathematical sciences . From 1937 he headed the chair for astronomy at the University of Tbilisi. In 1948 he received his doctorate in physical-mathematical sciences . In 1955 he became a member of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. 1959-1965 he was rector of the University of Tbilisi. 1972–1978 he was Vice President of the Georgian Academy of Sciences and 1978–1986 its President. In 1984 he became a member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) .

Charadse's main area of ​​work was the interstellar absorption of starlight . He studied the absorption in different directions in a galaxy and the structure of the galaxy taking this absorption into account. In 1952 he compiled a catalog with the characteristic values ​​of 14,000 stars in selected Kapteyn areas. He confirmed the existence of the Gouldian belt . He discovered the dependence of the line shift in the light spectrum of the P Cygni on the ionization potential of the respective elements .

Charadze was chairman of the commission for astronomy of the stars of the astronomical council of the AN-SSSR (1960-1973), chairman of the office physics and evolution of galaxies and metagalaxies of the AN-SSSR (from 1979) and vice-president of the International Astronomical Union (1976-1982 ).

Charadze was a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from the 9th to the 11th session.

In 1992, Charadze retired and became Honorary Director of the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory, which is now affiliated to the Ilia State University in Tbilisi as the Evgeni Charadze National Astrophysical Observatory Abastumani .


Individual evidence

  1. Л. И. Мгалоблишвили: Три президента Академии наук Грузии: Штрихи к портретам Н. И. Мусхешвили, И. Н. Векуа, Е. К. Харадзе . Наука-М, Moscow 2003, ISBN 5-02-032785-9 .
  2. EK Kharadze, NL Mahalashvili: P Cyg - a W UMa variable . In: The Observatory . tape 87 , 1967, pp. 295-296 .