Command telecommunications brigade 700

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Leadership Signal Brigade 700
- 700 FüFmBrig -

No coats of arms.svg

(did not have an association badge )
active October 1, 1967 to October 1, 1970
Country GermanyGermany Germany
Armed forces Bundeswehr Kreuz.svg armed forces
Armed forces Bundeswehr Kreuz.svg army
Type Command telecommunications brigade
last staff seat Meckenheim

The command telecommunications brigade 700 was a large unit of the territorial army of the Bundeswehr.


The command telecommunications brigade 700 was a core element of the telecommunications force at the level of the highest command in the territorial army . About the Signal Brigade 700, the high command was in the defense case, connection to the telecommunications organizations of territorial commands and the NATO - command posts keep.



1959, in the service position commander guide telecommunications forces (KdrFüFmTr) and stage manager of the territorial communications equipment furnished. On September 30, 1967, the staff of the Higher Telecommunications Officer of Territorial Defense (HöhFmFhr TV) was dissolved.


As a successor to the staff of the Higher Telecommunications Leader of Territorial Defense, the staff for the Command Telecommunications Brigade 700 was set up in Meckenheim on October 1, 1967 .


After only three years of service, the Command Telecommunications Brigade 700 was decommissioned on October 1, 1970. In order to take over Army Structure III , the personnel and material were used essentially unchanged to set up the command telecommunications brigade 900 , which in turn was reclassified to telecommunications command 900 in the early 1980s .

Association badge

Unlike most of the other brigades in the Army, the 700 Command Telecommunications Brigade did not have its own badge . The soldiers therefore wore the association badge of the higher-level agency. Since the brigade was decommissioned before the introduction of the internal association badge , the staff and the headquarters company did not have an internal association badge that could have been used " pars pro toto " for the entire command telecommunications brigade .


  • Emil Hoffmann: The army's telecommunications unit in the Bundeswehr . Mittler, Herford 1978, ISBN 3-8132-0012-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Emil Hoffmann: The telecommunications force of the army in the Bundeswehr . Mittler, Herford 1978, ISBN 3-8132-0012-4 , p. 264 f . (Appendix 15).
  2. a b c d location database of the Bundeswehr in the Federal Republic of Germany as well as the training grounds used by the Bundeswehr abroad. In: Website of the Military History Research Office . Center for Military History and Social Sciences of the Bundeswehr; Military History Research Office, accessed on March 28, 2019 (For technical reasons, direct links to individual search queries or search results are not possible. Please use the "search form" to research information on the individual offices).

Coordinates: 50 ° 38 ′ 5.7 "  N , 7 ° 1 ′ 13.5"  E