Association badge
Association badges are official emblems for organizations . They are mostly common in the public service , the armed forces and aid organizations . The English term badge has become generally accepted in the NATO command authorities and associations .
It should - like a coat of arms - document the affiliation to an organization externally and internally and thus also develop or consolidate the corps spirit (e.g. scouts ).
The number of association badges is in the hundreds of thousands. The Bundeswehr alone has, in addition to the general association badges defined in Central Service Regulations 37/10 “Dress code for soldiers in the Bundeswehr”, for the major associations, more than 4,700 internal association badges . The directive “Basic rules for creating an internal association badge” of the Armed Forces Office of February 10, 1995 regulates more details about the structure of the internal association badge .
Badges on headgear
Association badges are also worn as hat badges. In the military , the police and customs , however, no association badges are worn on the headgear. The military is on beret the branch of service badge and on the service cap badge of the Armed forces carried. Soldiers of the mountain division also wore an edelweiss made of sheet metal on the left side of the mountain cap and beret. The members of the police forces of the federal states wear the police officers of their federal state , sometimes with a cockade shown below (e.g. customs ). The members of the federal police carry the police star with federal eagle . The members of the customs administration wear the federal star.
Sleeve badge
The sleeve badges are mostly worn as a patch on the left upper arm of the uniform .
In the Bundeswehr they are called association badges. Army soldiers wear the association badge of their large association . For schools and teaching associations of the army, this is the association badge of the training command, supplemented by a white "S" or "L" in the base of the shield and a piping in the color of the military type for which they have a teaching position; see also list of Bundeswehr association badges .
Chest pendants
Breast trailers are shield-like or round enamel - plaques whose oscillating flap is buttoned to the button of the right breast pocket. The breast followers are almost all uniformed public service organizations in Germany, for example in the German armed forces , the police , the fire brigade , often in emergency services used.
In the case of the Bundeswehr, in contrast to the association badge on the sleeve, they are referred to as an "internal association badge", which indicates that they belong to a unit or an association .
In front of buildings of the riot police and in front of military buildings and facilities, large shields with the association badge are attached next to or above the building. Wall shields made of wood, on which the association badge is emblazoned, are also common as decoration.
Flag / standard

Flags or standards as association badges are only carried at ceremonies by the military , vigilante groups and volunteer fire services .
Pennants as association badges are only common in the military and fire departments .
Troop registration
In the Wehrmacht , the association badges were referred to as troop markings in the army , and in the Luftwaffe as association badges . Almost every division in the army , the ships of the navy and the units of the air force had such marks.
coat of arms
The Bundeswehr often has coats of arms as association badges , these are specified in ZDv 37/10, see also the list of Bundeswehr association badges .
Badges that identify government functions, professions or the like are protected by law. Violations are in Germany as offenses of abuse of titles, job titles and badges punishable.
Association badges can also be subject to copyright. For the copyright of official works see legal situation in Germany .
Web links
Individual evidence
- ^ W. Fleischer: Troop identification of the German army and the air force. Dörfler-Verlag, Eggolsheim 2002, ISBN 978-3-89555-444-5 .
- ↑ Worn as a sleeve badge, it shows belonging to a large association .
- ↑ Worn as a breast mark it shows the affiliation to an association , a unit or an office.
- ↑ z. B. solemn roll call , big tattoo , swearing-in and vow by soldiers of the Bundeswehr