Fabrizio Puglisi

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Fabrizio Puglisi (born June 16, 1969 in Catania ) is an Italian jazz pianist .

Between 1986 and 1991, Puglisi attended the Seminari Senesi in Siena courses in jazz improvisation with Franco D'Andrea , Enrico Rava and Bruno Tommaso, and then studied music at the University of Bologna . He is a member of the Association Bassesfere for improvisation and avant-garde music . He lives in Amsterdam, where he worked with musicians like Ab Baars , Sean Bergin , Tristan Honsinger and Ernst Reijseger .

Puglisi and Rob Armus form the Rapf duo . With Ernst Glerum and Han Bennink he forms the Puglisi-Glerum-Bennink Trio , with Zeno De Rossi and Stefano Senni the Trio Rope . Members of his Atman quartet are Achille Succi , Alberto Capelli and Mirko Sabatini , and in the Deus ex Machina group he works with Alberto Piras , Mauro Collina , Alessandro Bonetti , Alessandro Porreca and Claudio Trotta . He also participates in the Viktoria Frey project (with Sabina Meyer , Lauro Rossi and Fabrizio Spera ), which is dedicated to the performance of Hanns Eisler's music, and performs as a soloist with the Solo for Piano and Toys .

Puglisi has performed at jazz festivals across Europe, the US, Canada, South America and Africa and has worked as a sideman with musicians such as Lester Bowie , John Zorn , David Murray , Kenny Wheeler , Louis Sclavis and Dave Liebman . Since 2005 he has been teaching jazz piano at the Bologna Conservatory.


  • Duo Pagnozzi- Puglisi: La negresse oblige , 1994
  • Specchio Ensemble: Suite n.1 per quintetto doppio , 1995
  • Jorge: L'inferno dei polli , 1996
  • Kaos Ensemble- Kenny Wheeler : La geometria dell'abisso , 1998
  • Ray Mantilla European Space Station: Headgames , 1998
  • Deus ex Machina: Equilibrismo da insofferenza , 1998
  • Atman: Atman , 1999
  • Strani Itineranti: Strani Itineranti , 2001
  • Bosetti-Calcagnile-Puglisi: 19/11/2000 , 2002
  • Deus ex machina: Cinque , 2002
  • Specchio Ensemble: Porcyville , 2003
  • Cristina Zavalloni Open Quartet featuring Gianluca Petrella : Whenyougoyesisyes , 2004
  • Atman: Puntolinea , 2004
  • Roberto Faenzi Quintet: Motociblues , 2005
  • Rope: Have you met miss Bates , 2005
  • Henry Taylor : Crooning the anger , 2005

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