Robert Möritz case

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The Robert Möritz case is a controversy triggered in December 2019 by the uncovering of the right-wing extremist past of the CDU local politician Robert Möritz, which led to a coalition crisis in the government in Saxony-Anhalt and could only be settled by Möritz leaving the CDU. This was followed by a debate about the lack of demarcation between the CDU and right-wing extremism.


Robert Möritz had acted as a steward in a meeting of right-wing extremists in 2011 and later became a member of the “ Uniter ” association , which is examined by the security authorities with regard to right-wing extremist tendencies. In addition, Möritz wears a tattoo with a black sun , a symbol with a clearly right-wing extremist impact, which consists of three superimposed swastikas and 12 mirrored Siegruns in the form of an ornament in the marble floor of the former Obergruppenführer's hall in the north tower of the Wewelsburg used by the SS . Image material also made it known that Möritz also attended a right-wing rock concert in 2014 . In August 2018 he joined the Junge Union . Two months later he was elected as an assessor in the CDU district executive committee of Anhalt-Bitterfeld and in 2019 in the local council in Löbnitz an der Linde . Möritz was a member of the conservative circle of the CDU Saxony-Anhalt .

Course of the controversy, debate and implications

Robert Möritz had the SPD politician Igor Matviyets, former chairman of the Jusos in Halle and chairman of the Migration and Diversity Working Group of the SPD Saxony-Anhalt , on Twitter when he criticized the CDU Saxony-Anhalt's decision that Islam does not belong to Germany contradicted. Matviyets recognized that Möritz had integrated the logo of the Uniter association on his profile photo, which is being checked for right-wing extremist tendencies by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, and made this public on Twitter on December 10, 2019. Others then found out that Möritz was a steward at a right-wing extremist demonstration in 2011.

The parliamentary group of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen Sachsen-Anhalt posted a tweet on December 14, 2019, in which they asked, among other things, how many swastikas were possible in the CDU after further research had revealed that Möritz had one Wearing SS symbol black sun tattoo that includes swastikas and victory runes . The CDU then threatened to break the Kenya coalition in Saxony-Anhalt. A coalition crisis arose because of the Möritz debate. SPD general secretary Lars Klingbeil subsequently demanded that CDU chairwoman Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer distanced himself from Möritz. This commented on the case as follows: The Anhalt-Bitterfeld district association, of which Möritz is a member, had Möritz "granted confidence". "If it turns out now that this trust has been abused, then I believe that appropriate consequences must be drawn." Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble also commented on the Möritz case and called for a clear demarcation from neo-Nazis within the CDU.

On December 19, the state party CDU in Saxony-Anhalt dealt with the Möritz case and issued an ultimatum requesting him to disclose his activities within the right-wing extremist scene by December 27 and have his tattoo removed. In addition, he should explain that swastikas and other Nazi symbols are incompatible with the principles of the state CDU. Möritz's district association Anhalt-Bitterfeld also supported these demands and asked him to leave his position as assessor in the district board. After the ultimatum had expired, the state executive wanted to get a final picture of Möritz's past. On December 19, the main commentary on the Daily Topics dealt with developments.

Möritz distanced himself from his right-wing extremist past; however, the credibility of his distancing was controversial. Shortly after the allegations against him became known, Möritz resigned from the “Uniter” association. However, he did not have his tattoo removed.

Möritz then initially received support from his district executive, which led to a nationwide debate and criticism, and which did not go unchallenged within the CDU either.

On December 20, 2019, Möritz drew conclusions from the ultimatum and the now national political debate. In a letter to the CDU, he announced the "immediate resignation of all internal party functions and the immediate exit from the CDU", although he felt deeply connected to the values ​​of the CDU and represented them in full. In the further course of the letter it says: “In order to avert further damage to the party and to pacify political discussions, I would like to send a personal signal. Sometimes you need to reflect on the real priorities in life. "

The SPD and the Greens then asked the CDU to further clarify their position for the future.


Robert Möritz (* 8. March 1990 in Nordhausen ), a professional physical therapist and personal trainer , was until 20 December 2019, a CDU -Kommunalpolitiker from Löbnitz an der Linde and member of the district council of the castle district in Saxony-Anhalt . Robert Möritz attended the sports school in Halle . After graduating from high school in 2008, he learned the profession of physiotherapist, which he has been employed since 2011. He also works as a freelance personal trainer . The patients he treats come mainly from competitive sports .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sasan Abdi-Herrle: Suddenly quite liberal. In: ZEIT ONLINE . December 16, 2019. Retrieved January 5, 2019.
  2. a b Uniter membership by Robert Möritz: An obscure club., December 18, 2019
  3. ^ Robert Möritz: A neo-Nazi in the CDU., December 11, 2019
  4. This SPD man exposed Möritz. , December 21, 2019
  5. a b Saxony-Anhalt: "Anyone who can do well with Nazis is a Nazi himself"., December 18, 2019
  6. Dispute in Saxony-Anhalt: CDU questions coalition out of solidarity with neo-Nazi sympathizers., December 15, 2019
  7. ^ Politicians at neo-Nazi demonstration - CDU questions Kenya coalition., December 14, 2019
  8. ^ / Tim Lehmann: CDU man with a right-wing extremist past. Saxony-Anhalt's Fall of Man (December 15, 2019) ; accessed on December 17, 2019
  9. Kramp-Karrenbauer threatens Möritz with exclusion from the party., December 19, 2019
  10. ^ Robert Möritz case in Saxony-Anhalt: Schäuble calls for a strict demarcation between his CDU and neo-Nazis., December 17, 2019
  11. ^ A b c d Saxony-Anhalt: Robert Möritz resigns from the CDU. Zeit Online, December 20, 2019
  12. ↑ Topics of the day from December 19, 2019.
  13. Robin Alexander : Robert Möritz resigns from the CDU. Retrieved December 20, 2019 .
  14. ^ After the party’s crisis meeting: Robert Möritz resigns from the CDU. In: Retrieved December 20, 2019 .
  15. CDU Robert Möritz ; accessed on December 17, 2019
  16. ^ [Author unknown]: Profession. Portrait of Robert Möritz: Physiotherapist, personal trainer and politician . In: Journal Physiopraxis 5/2019, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, p. 12.