Felix Kopprasch

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Felix Kopprasch

Felix Kopprasch (born August 18, 1891 in Zerbst ; † March 13, 1946 in the special camp Ketschendorf ) was a German politician ( NSDAP ).

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After attending the ducal Franzisceum and the Realprogymnasium in Zerbst from 1897 to 1908, Kopprasch worked as a volunteer for two years. From 1910 to 1914 he attended the royal trade academy in Chemnitz , where he obtained the certificate for machine engineers. After the outbreak of World War I , Kopprasch was deployed on the Western Front. In August 1917 he was promoted to reserve lieutenant. After he was wounded for the second time on June 13, 1918, he returned from the war 80% severely damaged by war with a stiff leg. During the war he was awarded the Iron Cross, 2nd class , among other things .

In the 1920s Kopprasch worked for various companies as a designer and engineer or worked independently as a draftsman. In the post-war period he began to be politically active: in 1920 he became a member of the Stahlhelm-Kampfbund and later a member of the Consul organization .

In August 1922 he finally joined the NSDAP. According to his own statements, he was sent on a special mission to the Lüneburg Heath for several weeks during the Hitler putsch in November 1923 . In 1925 he became secretary of the local group Erfurt and in 1926 head of the same. In 1927 he took over the position of managing director of the Hannover Group. Since 1930 Kopprasch worked as an organizer of the election meetings in the districts of Hanover and Linden, then as district leader of Linden. In September 1932 he became district leader of the combined districts of Hanover and Linden.

After the National Socialists came to power in 1933, he became a city councilor in Hanover . From March to August 1933 he also served as the acting mayor of Sarstedt in the Hildesheim district . In 1934 he became district inspector and district manager of Hanover-Land. From April 1935 to March 1936 he also managed the districts of Hameln city and country. In February 1936 head of the Kalenberg district .

From November 1933 until the end of the Nazi regime in the spring of 1945, Kopprasch was a member of the National Socialist Reichstag for constituency 16 (South Hanover-Braunschweig) .

After the end of the war, Kopprasch was arrested in Zerbst by the Soviet secret police of the NKVD . Without trial or judgment, he was taken to the Ketschendorf special camp , where he died on March 13, 1946.


  • "Memories of Past Days", in: The National Socialist Movement 1921-1924. Establishment of the Hanover branch, history of the first SA. Hanover's decisive battle in Lower Saxony , slea [1923], p. 21 ff.


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Individual evidence

  1. Annemarie Lüdicke: Forgotten Fates: Arrests in Central Germany 1945-1961. Extrapost, Zerbst, 2004, p. 177, ISBN 3-9807104-8-3