Feodor Dietz

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Feodor Dietz
King Gustav Adolf on his death bed (1857)

Feodor Dietz (born May 29, 1813 in Neunstetten , Baden, † December 18, 1870 in Arc-lès-Gray , Haute-Saône ) was a battle painter.

Feodor Dietz did his first studies with the animal painter Rudolf Kuntz and from 1831 he attended the academy in Munich, where he made encaustic wall paintings for Bürger's poems in the Königsbau under Philipp von Foltz .

The death of Max Piccolomini and then Pappenheim's death and Gustav Adolf bei Lützen prompted the order for the picture: Margrave Ludwig of Baden Victory over the Turks (Karlsruhe Art Gallery) by Grand Duke Leopold. In 1837, attracted by Horace Vernet's reputation, he went to Paris, but soon returned to Munich, where he painted the three pictures in the Karlsruhe Kunsthalle: The Baden cavalry on the Beresina , the Baden body grenadiers, storming Montmartre , and Die Pforzheimer in the Battle of Wimpfen , as well as the one in the Stuttgart Museum: Before Leipzig's gates . Full of interest in the war, he took part in the Schleswig-Holstein campaign in 1848 and painted the big picture for Duke Ernst II (Saxe-Coburg and Gotha) : The beach fight at Eckernförde against the Danish ship of the line Christian VIII.

His Nocturnal Army Show by Napoleon after Zedlitz 'poem, painted in 1853 , was included in Napoleon III. Possession. His painting, completed in 1856: The Destruction of Heidelberg by Mélac (Kunsthalle zu Karlsruhe), which his later works no longer achieved, met with great acclaim .

At the same time, The Storm on Belgrade was created for the Maximilianeum in Munich. In 1862 Dietz was appointed professor of history painting at the art school in Karlsruhe, but completed the paintings before he left Munich: The relief of Vienna in 1668 by the Bavarians , on the facade of the Maximilianeum, and Crown Prince Ludwig in the battle of Abensberg , in the Bavarian National Museum.

After moving to Karlsruhe, Blüchers made his transition across the Rhine at Kaub and Blücher after the battle of La Rothière on the march to Paris (1868, Berlin National Gallery). As a delegate of the Karlsruhe Aid Association, he went to France after the outbreak of war in 1870 and fell dead from his horse on December 18th near Arc-lès-Gray, hit by a heartbeat.


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Commons : Feodor Dietz  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files