Fernanda Borges

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Fernanda Borges

Fernanda Mesquita Borges (born February 3, 1969 in Dili , Portuguese Timor ) is the founder and party leader of the East Timorese Partido Unidade Nacional PUN ( Party of National Unity ).


Borges was a refugee in Australia during the Indonesian occupation . She studied at the University of Wollongong and the University of New England . She graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce in Economics and an MBA in Business Law and Public Sector Management. She then worked for a bank in Sydney for ten years . After her return to East Timor, Borges initially worked for the UNTAET administration of the United Nations in East Timor as an economic advisor, responsible for finances, budget and economic issues and special assistant for the deputy representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in East Timor. In 2001 she was appointed Treasury Secretary by the National Consultative Council (NCC). She resigned from this office in April 2002. Thereafter, Borges worked as a financial advisor to the Bishop of Dili .

In October 2005, Borges founded the National Party that became the PUN, which was officially registered in 2007. With the PUN, she ran for the parliamentary elections on June 30, 2007 and won 4.55%. Borges became the parliamentary group leader of the PUN in the national parliament of East Timor . Here she was a member of the Commission on Constitutional Affairs, Justice, Public Administration, Local Jurisprudence and Legislation of the Government (Commission A) and the Commission on Economic, Financial and Anti-Corruption (Commission C). She was also elected a member of the Conselho Superior de Defesa e Segurança . In the new elections in 2012 , the PUN failed because of the three percent hurdle.


Fernanda Borges is fluent in Tetum , Portuguese and English . She is based in Dili and has three children.

Web links

Commons : Fernanda Borges  - collection of images, videos and audio files

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. a b Profile on Parliament's website, October 29, 2008 ( memento of October 29, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) (Portuguese)