Wackendorf branch church

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Wackendorf - Church.JPG
Fresco: St. George
Fresco: Hll. Valentin and Ulrich

The Roman Catholic Wackendorf branch church is located in the Globasnitz community in the Völkermarkt district in Carinthia . The branch church of St. Martin of the parish church St. Michael ob Bleiburg belongs to the deanery Bleiburg / Pliberk in the diocese Gurk-Klagenfurt . The church and the cemetery are listed. The year 1272 on a keystone in the choir could be an indication of the year the church was founded.

Building description

The former fortified church is a late Gothic building from the 15th century. Loopholes and vorhangbogige shooting openings of the military upper floor at the nave bear witness to the valor. The nave and choir have tracery windows and are supported by three-tiered buttresses . A baroque chapel is built on the north side of the nave . The essentially Romanesque tower north of the choir collapsed in 1970. The sacristy was erected in its place and a new tower was erected to the north of it. The west and south portal have profiled soffits. The iron plate door of the west portal is provided with a shooting hole.

A ribbed vault with painted keystones on round templates rises above the single-nave, four-bay nave . The west gallery is vaulted under a barrel . A high basket arched triumphal arch with beveled edges connects the nave and the single -bay choir with a five-eighth end and a ribbed vault on consoles.


The choir is decorated with remarkable frescoes from the first half of the 15th century. There is a Last Judgment on the triumphal arch wall . The martyrdom of St. Ursula is depicted on the north wall, saints standing in the upper fields on the north wall of the choir, and Saints George and Martin on horses in the lower fields . On the south wall of the choir, Anthony the Great and an indeterminable scene are depicted.


The high altar from 1741 executed by JM Sotari, was originally created for St. Michael ob Bleiburg. The central niche contains the statue of Johann Nepomuk , the top is formed by God the Father in a halo, surrounded by putti . The original high altar from 1701 is now in the north side chapel. Statues from the beginning of the 16th century stand on both side altars, St. Martin on the left and St. Ulrich on the right .


Web links

Commons : Kirche Wakendorf  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 33 ′ 13.1 ″  N , 14 ° 43 ′ 21.7 ″  E