François-Odon De Wilde

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François-Odon De Wilde OP (born January 28, 1908 in Wetteren , Belgium , † February 19, 1976 ) was a Belgian religious and Roman Catholic bishop of Isiro-Niangara .


François-Odon De Wilde joined the religious order of the Dominicans at and received on 2 August 1931, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On March 11, 1948, Pope Pius XII appointed him . the titular bishop of Tadamata and Apostolic Vicar of Niangara. The retired Vicar Apostolic of Niangara, Robert Constant Lagae OP, donated him episcopal ordination on June 29 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Trivandrum , Vincent Victor Dereere OCD , and the Bishop Emeritus of Lahore , Hector Catry OFMCap .

François-Odon De Wilde became the first bishop of Niangara (later Isiro-Niangara) on November 10, 1959 as a result of the elevation of the Vicariate Apostolic Niangara to the diocese . De Wilde participated in all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council .

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predecessor Office successor
Robert Constant Lagae OP Apostolic Vicar / Bishop of Isiro-Niangara
Ambroise Uma Arakayo Amabe