François Xavier Nguyên Van Sang

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Phanxicô Xaviê Nguyễn Văn Sang ( French François Xavier Nguyên Van Sang , born January 8, 1932 in Hanoi ; † October 5, 2017 ) was a Vietnamese clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Thái Bình .


François Xavier Nguyên Van Sang was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Hanoi on April 18, 1958 .

Pope John Paul II appointed him on March 24, 1981 titular bishop of Sarda and auxiliary bishop in Hanoi. The Archbishop of Hanoi, Joseph-Marie Cardinal Trinh Van-Can , donated him the episcopal ordination on April 22nd of the same year; Co- consecrators were Paul Nguyên Van Binh , Archbishop of Ho Chi Minh City , and Joseph Nguyên Tùng Cuong , Bishop of Hải Phong .

In May 1990 he was appointed Apostolic Administrator by John Paul II and on December 3, 1990 Bishop of Thái Bình. On July 25, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI. his resignation request submitted for reasons of age.

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predecessor Office successor
Joseph Marie Dinh-Binh Bishop of Thái Bình
Pierre Nguyên Van Dê SDS