Francis Roux (ornithologist)

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Francis Roux (born June 8, 1930 in Mouliherne , Maine-et-Loire department , † June 22, 2014 ibid) was a French ornithologist and conservationist . He was buried in Mouliherne on June 26th.

Live and act

Roux was regarded by his colleagues as a passionate ornithologist who, as an expert, researched taxonomic questions as well as studies on bird migration and the development of the populations of goose birds , especially geese , swans and ducks . Early on in his career he specialized in bird studies with the aim of conserving populations and protecting their breeding, adaptation, migration and wintering areas. In particular , his conservation activities included wetlands on the coasts and in the interior of the mainland. To achieve these goals, he gathered solid scientific arguments to establish a closed season for the animals.

He began his time at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle under the direction of Robert Daniel Etchécopar (1905–1990) at the Research Institute for Mammal and Bird Migration (Center de recherche sur la migration des mammifères et oiseaux = CRMMO). Here he initially dealt with the evaluation and rearing of birds and mammals (hares and especially bats ) and the annual editing of the Bulletin du center de research sur les migrations des mammiferes et des oiseaux . Roux was one of the founding members of the European Union for Bird Ringing .

Together with François Spitz from the Institut national de la recherche agronomique and Alain Tamisier from the Center national de la recherche scientifique , Roger Mahéo (1922–2012) from the University of Rennes I and Michael Brosselin (1936–1980) from the MAR Bureaux , he organized the census of the French waterfowl. In 1964 he moved to the ornithological laboratory of Jean Dorst (1924–2001). Research trips took him several times to Senegal, where Gérard Joseph Germain Morel (1925–2011) from the Office de recherche scientifique d'outre-mer worked. With him he published an important study in La Terre et la vie , which appeared under the name Les migrateurs paléarctiques au Sénégal .

In the ornithological laboratory he organized the bird collection and corrected many taxonomic errors by analyzing difficult bird hides. Using aeronautical techniques, he drew them from the remains of the bird hides in order to then identify them. When identifying the birds, he took the advice of French people living south of the Sahara (e.g. Senegal , Mali , Ivory Coast , Cameroon , Gabon , Chad and the Central African Republic ). In this way he established a very good information network that helped him to publish his faunistic work on the West African avifauna.

In field studies, he was often considered a pioneer with his actions. He carried out studies with Christian Jouanin (1925–2014) and Jean-Louis Mougin (born 1939) on the tubular noses of Madeira and the Ilhas Selvagens . With Guy Jarry from CRMMO, he organized the monitoring of the populations of Palearctic duck birds in West Africa. With the help of aerial surveillance and bird ringing in the humid zones, they were able to prove that these are networked in metapopulations .

In 1976 he succeeded Etchécopar as director of the Center de Recherches sur la Biologie des Populations d'Oiseaux (CRBPO) . Together with the bioinformatics scientist Georges Hémery and other collaborators, he created a database that recorded on the one hand the ringing of birds under French supervision and on the other hand the enumeration and environmental conditions of goose birds. With Jouanin, Mougin, Paul Alexander Zino (1916–2004) and Manuel Biscoito he studied sea birds, with Guy Jarry the migration of the Palearctic geeseed birds in West Africa by developing studies on these bird populations in France. For personal reasons he left Paris and in 1989 handed over the management of the CRBPO to Georges Hémery. He retired and moved to the family estate in the Maine-et-Loire department . Despite his modesty and cautious nature in his publications, there was plenty of subject matter for discussion. He made many important contributions to Revue d'Ecologie . Some general publications appeared either alone or with Jean Dorst (e.g. an obituary for Etchécopar). In addition to science, Roux was considered a gifted watercolor artist and photographer.

Roux chaired numerous boards of directors. The Sociéte Ornithologique de France , the Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature (SNPN) and international organizations such as the International Council for Bird Protection and the International Waterfowl & Wetlands Research Bureau deserve special mention . Here he worked closely with his friend Christian Jouanin. With his in-depth knowledge of water birds and marsh birds, he was committed to the hunting season for the birds and actively provided information in this area with his publications and pictures. His solidarity with the SNPN was evident in the fact that he bequeathed parts of his fortune to society.

First descriptions by Francis Roux

Roux has described several species and subspecies that were new to science. On the publications he worked with Jouanin, Christian Érard and René Paulin Jacobé de Naurois . The species and subspecies include chronological and a .:

  • Mauritanian gray heron ( Ardea monicae Jouanin & Roux , 1963)
  • Chestnut Owl ( Glaucidium castaneum etchecopari Érard & Roux , 1983)
  • Spoonbill ( Platalea leucorodia balsaci Naurois & Roux , 1974)

The Amsterdam albatross ( Diomedea amsterdamensis Roux , Jouventin , Mougin , Stahl & Weimerskirch , 1983) can not be ascribed to Roux .

Publications (selection)

  • Quelques données sur les Anatidés et les Charadriidés paléarctiques hivernant dans la basse vallée du Sénégal et sur leur écologie . In: La Terre et la vie . tape 13 , no. 4 , 1959, pp. 315–321 (French, [PDF; 140 kB ]).
  • with Christian Jouanin: Une race nouvelle de Héron Cendré Ardea cinerea monicae . In: L'Oiseau et la revue française d'ornithologie . tape 33 , 1963, pp. 103-106 (French).
  • with Christian Jouanin: Contribution a l'étude de la biologie de Pelagodroma marina hypoleuca (Webb, Berthelot et Moquin-Tandon) . In: Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal . tape 19 , 1965, p. 16-30 (French).
  • with René Paulin Jacobé de Naurois: Les mangroves d'Avicennia les plus septentrionales de la côte occidentale d'Afrique . In: Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire (=  A ). tape 27 , no. 3 , 1965, p. 843-855 (French).
  • with Gérard J. Morel: Les migrateurs paléarctiques au Sénégal, I. non passereaux . In: La Terre et la vie . tape 63 , no. 1 , 1966, p. 19–72 (French, [PDF; 31.3 MB ]).
  • Gérard J. Morel: . Les migrateurs paléarctiques au Sénégal, II Passereaux et synthèse générale, . In: La Terre et la vie . tape 63 , no. 2 , 1966, p. 143–176 (French, [PDF; 23.1 MB ]).
  • with René Paulin Jacobé de Naurois: L'avifaune de la côte de l'Aguerguer et de l'îlot Virginia (Sahara espagnol, Mauritanie) . In: Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire . tape 29 , 1967, p. 735-757 .
  • with Christian Jouanin, Jean-Louis Mougin, Alec Zino: - Visites aux lieux de nidification de Pterodroma mollis (deserta) . In: L'Oiseau et la revue française d'ornithologie . tape 39 , 1969, p. 161-175 (French).
  • Censuses of Anatidae in the central delta of the Niger and Senegal delta - January 1972 . In: Wildfowl . tape 24 , no. 4 , 1973, p. 63–80 (English, [PDF; 924 kB ]).
  • with René Paulin Jacobé de Naurois: Précisions concernant la morphologie, les affinités et la position systematique de quelques oiseaux du Banc d'Arguin (Mauritanie) . In: L'Oiseau et la revue française d'ornithologie . tape 44 , 1974, pp. 72-84 .
  • The status of wetlands in the West African Sahel: their value for waterfowl and their future . In: International Conference on the Conservation of Wetlands and Waterfowl . 1976, p. 272-287 (English).
  • with Guy Jarry, Roger Mahéo, Alain Tamisier: Importance, structure et origine des populations d'Anatidés hivernant dans le delta du. Sénégal . In: L'Oiseau et la revue française d'ornithologie . tape 46 , 1976, p. 299-336 (French).
  • with Guy Jarry, Roger Mahéo, Alain Tamisier: Importance, structure et origine des populations d'Anatidés hivernant dans le delta du. Sénégal . In: L'Oiseau et la revue française d'ornithologie . tape 47 , 1977, pp. 1-24 (French).
  • with Christian Jouanin, Jean-Louis Mougin, Alec Zino: Sur les premiers résultats du baguage des puffins cendrés aux îles Selvagens . In: L'Oiseau et la revue française d'ornithologie . tape 47 , 1977, pp. 351-358 (French).
  • with Roger Mahéo, Alain Tamisier: L'exploitation de la basse vallée du Sénégal (quartier d'hiver tropical) par trois espèces de canards paléarctiques et éthiopiens . In: La Terre et la vie . tape 32 , no. 2 , 1978, p. 387–416 (French, [PDF; 18.4 MB ]).
  • with Guy Jarry: L'hivernage des Anatidés dans le delta intérieur du Niger. Janvier-Mars. 1978 . In: CRBPO / ONC annual progress report . 1978, p. 1–21 (French).
  • with Christian Jouanin, Jean-Louis Mougin, Alec Zino: Le petrel de Bulwer Bulweria bulwerii dans l'archipel de Madere et aux iles Selvagens . In: L'Oiseau et la revue française d'ornithologie . tape 49 , 1979, pp. 165-184 (French).
  • with Guy Jarry, Benjamin Lamarche: Recherches sur les Anatidés hivernant dans le delta intérieur du Niger. Janvier-Mars 1979 . In: CRBPO / ONC annual progress report . 1979, p. 1-29 (French).
  • with Christian Jouanin, Georges Hémery, Jean-Louis Mougin: Nouvelles précisions sur l'acquisition de l'aptitude à la reproduction chez le Puffin Cendré Calonectris diomedea boréalis . In: L'Oiseau et la revue française d'ornithologie . tape 50 , 1980, pp. 205-215 (French).
  • with Christian Jouanin, Georges Hémery, Jean-Louis Mougin: Sur l'acquisition de l'aptitude à la reproduction chez le Puffin Cendré . In: Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences . tape 290 , no. 14 , 1980, pp. 995-998 (French).
  • with Christian Érard: La Chevechette du Cap Glaucidium capense dans l'ouest africain. Description d'une race geographique nouvelle . In: L'Oiseau et la revue française d'ornithologie . tape 53 , 1983, pp. 97-104 .
  • with Jean-Louis Mougin, Jean-Claude Stahl, Christian Jouanin: - L'évolution des effectifs des Puffins cendrés Calonectris diomedea borealis de l'île Selvagem Grande (30 ° 09 'N, 15 ° 52' W) from 1980 to 1983 . In: Bocagiana . tape 75 , 1984, pp. 8p (French).
  • with Jean-Louis Mougin, Bernard Pierre François Despin: La détermination du sexe par mensuration du bec chez le Puffin cendré . In: Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences . tape 202 , no. 3 , 1986, pp. 91-96 (French).
  • with Jean-Louis Mougin, Christian Jouanin: Structure et dynamique de la population de Puffins cendrés Calonectris diomedea borealis de l'île Selvagem Grande (30 ° 09 'N, 15 ° 52' W). In: L'Oiseau et la revue française d'ornithologie . tape 57 , 1987, pp. 201-225 (French).
  • with Jean-Louis Mougin: La stabilité des effectifs des puffins cendrés Calonectris diomedea borealis de l'île Selvagem Grande (30 ° 09 'N, 15 ° 52' W) from 1983 to 1986. In: Bocagiama . tape 6 , 1988, pp. 6 (French).
  • with Jean-Louis Mougin, Michel Ségonzac: - L'évolution des effectifs de la population reproductrice de Puffins cendrés Calonectris diomedea borealis de l'île Selvagem Grande (30 ° 09 'N, 15 ° 52' W) from 1986 to 1989 . In: Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal . tape 42 , 1990, pp. 39-50 (French).
  • with Jean Dorst: Robert Daniel Etchécopar (1905–1990) . In: L'Oiseau et la revue française d'ornithologie . tape 60 , no. 4 , 1991, pp. 269-274 (French).
  • with Jean-Louis Mougin, Christian Jouanin, Alec Zino: Les paramètres conditionnant la réussite de la reproduction chez le Puffin cendré Calonectris diomedea borealis de Selvagem Grande . In: L'Oiseau et la revue française d'ornithologie . tape 63 , 1993, pp. 202-215 (French).
  • with Jean-Louis Mougin, José Pedro Granadeiro: - L'évolution des effectifs des Puffins cendrés Calonectris diomedea borealis de Selvagem Grande (30 ° 09 'N, 15 ° 52' W) de 1989 à 1992 . In: Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal . tape 46 , 1994, pp. 77-84 (French).
  • with Jean-Louis Mougin, Christian Jouanin, Jean-Louis Mougin ,: Démographie du Puffin cendré Calonectris diomedea de Selvagem Grande (30 ° 09 'n, 15 ° 52' w) . In: Revue d'écologie . tape 47 , 2000, pp. 275–290 (French, [PDF; 1,2 MB ]).
  • with Christian Jouanin, Jean-Louis Mougin, Jean-Claude Stahl ,: - Prelaying exodus of Cory's Shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea borealis) on Selvagem Grande . In: Journal for Ornithology . tape 142 , 2001, p. 212–217 (English, [PDF; 434 kB ]).


  • Christian Erard: Francis Roux (1930–2014): disparition d'un ornithologue distingué et d'un fervent protecteur de la nature . In: Le Courrier de la nature . No. 289 , 2015, ISSN  0011-0477 , p. 22-25 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Christian Erard, p. 22.
  2. a b Christian Erard, p. 23.
  3. a b Christian Erard, p. 24.
  4. Christian Erard, p. 25.