Francisco Prada Carrera

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Francisco Prada Carrera CMF (born July 27, 1893 in Priaranza del Bierzo , Spain , † June 17, 1995 ) was Bishop of Uruaçu .


Francisco Prada Carrera joined the Congregation of the Claretian in and received on 7 June 1917, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On September 3, 1946, Pope Pius XII appointed him . the titular bishop of Bisica and prelates of São José do Alto Tocantins . The Archbishop of São Paulo , Cardinal Carlos Carmelo de Vasconcelos Motta , donated him episcopal ordination on October 20 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the Archbishop of Curitiba , Ático Eusébio da Rocha , and the Prelate of Registro do Araguaia , José Selva e Amaral SDB .

Pope Pius XII appointed him on January 17, 1957 first bishop of Uruaçu. On February 25, 1976 Pope Paul VI. the resignation put forward by Francisco Prada Carrera for reasons of age.

Francisco Prada Carrera attended the first session of the Second Vatican Council .

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predecessor Office successor
... Bishop of Uruaçu
José da Silva Chaves
Florentino Simón y Garriga CMF Prelate of São José do Alto Tocantins