Franciszek Rogaczewski

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Franciszek Rogaczewski

Franciszek Rogaczewski (born December 23, 1892 in Lipinken , (Polish Lipienki ) near Schwetz ; † January 11, 1940 Saspe near Danzig (today Gdańsk-Zaspa )) was a priest and blessed of the Catholic Church .


Rogaczewski comes from a long-established Polish farming family. On 16 March 1918 he was a priest of the Diocese of Kulm dedicated and Bishop Augustine Rosentreter as Kaplan first for Neumark in West Prussia Church of the Sacred Heart in 1920 and the Gdansk-Wrzeszcz ( Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz sent). Finally he came to Gdansk to the parishes of St. Brigitten and later St. Joseph. He was very active and a great organizer. In 1924 he founded the Catholic League with a group of Polish priests.

With the support of the Polish government, he was able to build two churches, Christ the King and St. Stanislaus. On January 1, 1930, the Danzig bishop Eduard Graf O'Rourke appointed him pastor of the Polish Danzig family. Until the end he was the pastor of the Polish Christian and Kings Congregation, whose church he built between 1928 and 1932.

He even managed to obtain special permission from the Holy See for a Polish personal parish in Gdansk. But when he and Bronisław Komorowski were appointed pastors on October 10, 1937 , the bishop had to withdraw the previously given oral appointment in writing on October 13. This happened under pressure from the German speakers, who were increasingly influenced by National Socialism . As a result of this affair, O'Rourke submitted his resignation.

Early in the morning on the first day of World War I , September 1, 1939, pastors Komorowski, Rogaszewski, Bernhard von Wiecki , and clergymen Władysław Szymanski and Marian Górecki were arrested by SS men and imprisoned in the Victoria School and later in the Gestapo building in Gdansk -Neugarten transferred. Bishop Splett went out of his way to help these priests and was even able to visit them briefly.

He was shot dead in Saspe near Danzig ( Gdańsk-Zaspa ) on Thursday, January 11, 1940 . He has a grave there in the Cmentarz na Zaspie cemetery .

Beatification and Remembrance

On June 13, 1999, Pope John Paul II beatified 108 Polish martyrs of German National Socialist persecution on Piłsudski Square in Warsaw . Among them were the three Gdańsk clergymen Marian Górecki , Bronisław Komorowski and Franciszek Rogaczewski. A plaque on the Marienkapelle in Söder near Hildesheim gives their names.

The Catholic Church accepted Pastor Franz Rogaczewski as a witness of faith in the German martyrology of the 20th century .

See also


  • Klaus Martin Reichenbach: Florilegium Martyrologii Romani. 2001, o. O. [1]
  • Helmut Moll (publisher on behalf of the German Bishops' Conference), witnesses for Christ. The German Martyrology of the 20th Century , 6th, expanded and restructured edition Paderborn u. a. 2015, ISBN 978-3-506-78080-5 , Volume I, pp. 768-769.

Individual evidence

  1. a b day and place after researching the Martyrologium Romanum 2001