Franz Gareis

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Franz Gareis: Portrait of Novalis , around 1799

Johann Franz Peter Paul Gareis (born June 28, 1775 in Ostritz-St. Marienthal , † May 31, 1803 in Rome ) was a German painter who was mainly known as a portraitist and draftsman .


At the age of 16, Franz Gareis went to the Dresden Art Academy to find out about the admission requirements. In 1791 he was ready to begin his studies, where he was a student of the director Giovanni Battista Casanova , a brother of the well-known adventurer Giacomo Casanova . Gareis drew attention to himself with paintings and chalk drawings, which he exhibited at the academy for the first time in 1794. In 1794 his studies were finished and he went on an educational trip via Brandenburg, Danzig to Narwa in Russia and back via Memel , Berlin to Dresden. In 1796 he received a pension of 100 thalers from the elector. From 1798 he moved from Halle (1798) to Leipzig (1799), Vienna (1799), Berlin (1800), Paris (1801) to Rome (1803), where he created numerous bourgeois portraits. On the trip he fell ill with typhus and died in Rome. He is buried near the pyramid of Cestius .


His works include an altarpiece in the Seitendorfer Church, Maria Magdalena under the Cross from 1798, and Orpheus - Lament before the God of the Underworld , which he had sent to the art exhibition in Dresden shortly before his death. The graphic cabinet of the Kulturhistorisches Museum Görlitz preserves the most extensive inventory of his works . On his educational trip to Russia, Gareis made a sketchbook with idealized folk characters, which is now in the Dresden Kupferstichkabinett .


Franz Gareis was not married, but engaged to the singer Louise Reichardt (1779–1826), whom he wanted to marry on his return. Louise was the daughter of the conductor Johann Friedrich Reichardt .

His brother Gottlieb († November 20, 1859) died as a royal chamber musician a. D. in Berlin. He was trained by Johann Friedrich Reichardt in Halle.


  • Carl Clauss:  Gareis, Franz . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 8, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1878, p. 371.
  • Kai Wenzel and Marius Winzler (editors): Franz Gareis (1775-1803). Born to be a painter. Paintings, drawings and prints by a pioneer of German Romanticism. Verlag Gunter Oettel, Görlitz 2003, ISBN 3-932693-81-7
  • Frauke Josenhans: Gareis, Franz (Johann Franz Peter Paul). In: Bénédicte Savoy and France Nerlich (eds.): Paris apprenticeship years. A lexicon for training German painters in the French capital. Volume 1: 1793-1843. Berlin / Boston 2013, pp. 83–86.

Web links

Commons : Franz Gareis  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Wolf Stadler u. a .: Lexicon of Art 5th Gal - Mr. Karl Müller Verlag, Erlangen 1994, ISBN 3-86070-452-4 , p. 12.
  2. ^ Franz Gareis: Sketches drawn by the painter Gareis in Dresden on his journey through Saxony, Prussia, Russia, Liefland-Curland, etc. in the years 1796/1797.  in the German Digital Library
  3. ^ Giacomo Meyerbeer: Correspondence and diaries: Until 1824 Walter de Gruyter, 1959 ISBN 978-3-110042856