Franz Hildesheim

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Portrait of Franz Hildesheim based on Martin Friedrich Seidel's picture collection

Franz Hildesheim (born October 12, 1551 in Küstrin , † October 24, 1613 in Berlin ) was a German physician, historian and poet.


Born as the son of the feudal secretary Hippolyt Hildesheim and his wife Catharina von Naumann, he attended school in his hometown, then was in Freystadt and moved into the University of Frankfurt (Oder) , the University of Wittenberg and the University of Leipzig . After earning a master's degree at the age of 19 , he returned to his hometown and became the principal of the school.

In 1574 he went to Vienna to study medicine, in 1577 he moved to Padua for this purpose , where he had matriculated on June 4, 1578, was in Florence , Rome and Naples . In Italy he received his doctorate in medicine and returned to his homeland in 1580. From here he accompanied young aristocrats on their travels and in 1584 was asked to work in the government of Albrecht Friedrich of Prussia and went to Königsberg (Prussia) as a professor of medicine .

In the following year he moved to the court of Johann Georg von Brandenburg as personal physician and counselor. Even under his successor Joachim Friedrich he remained in that position until the end of his life. Hildesheim only wrote one medical work and also dealt with the history and biographies of the Brandenburg royal house. He has also appeared as a dramatic poet.


  • De cerbi et capitis morbis internis, Frankfurt / O. 1612
  • Publicae commoditavi vitae duorum potentissimorum principium Joachimi II. Electoris et Johannis marchiouis, item duorum cancellariorum Lamp. Distelmeieri et Hadriani Albini, Frankfurt / O. 1592
  • Inscriptiones sepulcrales quae vulgo sunt Epitaphia electorum et marchionum Brandenburggensium, Berlin 1608
  • Vita (comedy)
  • Religio (tragedy), Leipzig 1602


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Individual evidence

  1. Matricula Nationis Germanicae Artistarum in Gymnasio Patavino (1553-1721), ed. by Lucia Rossetti, Padova 1986, p. 43, no.362.