Franz Josef Tobisch

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Franz Josef Tobisch (born December 6, 1788 in Meseritz near Kaaden in Bohemia , † May 22, 1880 in German Trebetitsch near Podersam in Bohemia) was a farmer and pioneer of the liberation of the peasants .


Tobisch was born in 1788 as the son of the farmer Johann Josef Tobisch (1750–1798) and Maria Theresa born. Viereckl (1765–1823) born. The lawyer and Imperial Court Councilor Eduard Tobisch (1840–1927) and the mining engineer Vincenz Tobisch (1835–1891) were his nephews, and he was also a cousin of the Catholic clergyman Franz Wenzl Tobisch (1788–1873) in Teplitz , the royal Prussian professor Johann Karl Tobisch (1793–1855) and the royal Prussian professor Vinzenz Eugen Tobisch (1800–1852).

In 1775 the landlord of the municipality, Count Czernin, had the concessions made to the landowners revoked in 1738. The unrest in the communities of Deutsch Trebetitsch and Groß Witschitz were put down by flogging. Tobisch sued this injustice in 1831 and 1832. By decree of the Imperial and Royal Court Chancellery, he was exempted from robot duty. This made him the first farmer in Bohemia who could free himself from the burden of manorial servitude on his own. Only after further complaints from Tobisch were further farmers exempted from the robot obligation. In the period that followed, some landowners followed his example and took legal action against the exploitation of the rural population. It was not until 1848 that the land-lord obligations of the farmers and landowners were lifted through the basic relief patent .

Out of gratitude, the Deutsch Trebetitsch community had a small memorial erected in memory of Franz Josef Tobisch.


  • Wenzel Rott : The political Podersam, judicial districts Podersam and Jechnitz, Podersam 1902

Individual evidence

  1. Detailed description of the liberation of the peasants in German Trebetitsch
  2. ^ History of the community Deutsch Trebetitsch