Franz Xaver Dirnberger

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Franz Xaver Dirnberger (born June 3, 1809 in Bamberg , † February 25, 1875 in Eichstätt ) was a German Catholic theologian .


He studied at the Lyzeum Bamberg, Vienna and Munich . After ordination in 1832 and the doctorate to Dr. theol. In 1833 (Munich) he became professor for moral theology at the Lyzeum Regensburg in 1834 and in 1842 professor for pastoral theology in Munich. From April 1844 to April 1845 he also taught moral theology in Munich. From 1844 to 1855 he was director of the Georgianum . In 1855 he became cathedral dean in Eichstätt. In 1872 he retired.

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