Valentin Thalhofer

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Valentin Thalhofer

Valentin Thalhofer (born January 20, 1825 in Unterroth / Swabia ; † September 17, 1891 in Unterroth / Swabia) was professor of pastoral theology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich as well as cathedral dean and provost in Eichstätt .


After graduating from high school in Dillingen in 1843, Valentin Thalhofer studied philosophy and theology, first at the Lyceum in Dillingen and then at the University of Munich, where he had been an alumnus at the ducal Georgianum since 1845 . With his processing of the prize assignment set by the theological faculty in 1847, Valentin Thalhofer received his doctorate in theology at the University of Munich in 1848. Shortly afterwards he was ordained a priest and received a position as prefect at the seminary in Dillingen .

In 1850 he was appointed Professor of Biblical Studies at the Lyceum in Dillingen. In 1863 he became director of the Georgianum and professor of pastoral theology (liturgy) at the University of Munich. As a result of internal disputes within the faculty after the First Vatican Council (1869/70), Valentin Thalhofer decided to leave Munich. At his request for a transfer, he was given the position of cathedral dean in Eichstätt in 1877 and was also appointed professor of liturgy at the local Lyceum. From 1886 he was provost of the cathedral in Eichstätt.

In the years 1860–1863, Valentin Thalhofer was editor of the Augsburger Pastoralblatt and 1869–1888 editor of the library of the church fathers . In 1869 he was a member of the Bavarian Chamber of Deputies .

Works (selection)

  • The bloodless victims of the Mosaic cult, their liturgy, their symbolic, typical and dogmatic meaning. An award publication that was crowned by the theological faculty of the Royal Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich in 1847 , Regensburg 1848.
  • The doctrine of sacrifice in the Letter to the Hebrews and the Catholic doctrine of St. Sacrifice of the Mass , Dillingen 1854/55.
  • Contribution to a history of aftermysticism and especially of Irvingianism in the diocese of Augsburg . At the same time an answer to Mr. JE Georg Lutz, pastor in Oberroth , Regensburg 1857.
  • Explanation of the psalms, with special regard to their liturgical use in the Roman breviary, missals, pontificals and rituals. In addition to an appendix, containing the explanation of the Roman breviary occurring Old and New Testament Cantica , Regensburg 1857, 5th edition 1889 (7th edition 19047, edited by Peter Schmalzl; 9th edition 1923, edited by Franz Wutz).
  • The victim of the old and the new covenant. With special regard to the Epistle to the Hebrews and the Catholic doctrine of the sacrifice of the Mass, honored exegetically and dogmatically , Regensburg 1870.
  • Handbook of Catholic Liturgy , 2 vol., Freiburg i.Br. 1883-1890.
  • St. Mass and the priesthood of the Catholic Church. Sermons , ed. v. Andreas Schmid, Kempten 1893.
  • Marian Sermons , ed. v. Andreas Schmid, Regensburg 1912.


Web links

Commons : Valentin Thalhofer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files