Anton Chroust

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Anton Julius Chroust (born March 10, 1864 in Graz , † May 22, 1945 in Theilheim ) was an Austro-German historian , privy councilor and university professor.


Anton Julius Chroust was the son of the bookbinder Anton Chroust and his wife Karoline geb. Steiner, he belonged to the Roman Catholic Church. After attending the state grammar school, Chroust first studied German and history in his home town of Graz. The degree was initially questionable for Chroust, who came from a humble background, but after a small inheritance he was even able to continue his studies in Berlin . There Chroust won the award task of the philosophical faculty to write a representation of Ludwig the Bavarian's trip to Rome based on the recently published regesta by Joseph Hubert Reinkens . With this work he received his doctorate in 1886, the work appeared in print in 1887. In the same year, Chroust moved to Vienna, where he worked with Theodor von Sickel at the Institute for Austrian Historical Research , mainly with auxiliary sciences and the teaching of documents. The result of this time was his work on the Lombard king and duke certificate, with which he was habilitated in Graz in 1887 (printed in 1888). Afterwards Chroust taught medieval history and auxiliary sciences in Graz. His friend and sponsor there was the German studies specialist Anton Schönbach . Chroust discovered a second manuscript of Ansbert's report on the crusade of Friedrich Barbarossa , which occupied him for a long time and led to the publication of a source-critical study in 1892.

In 1889, Chroust took part in the founding and management of the folk-influenced association Südmark in Graz , which is why he had to give up his teaching position at the university. In 1891 Chroust became an employee of the historical commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich, where he participated in the series of letters and files published by Felix Stieve on the history of the Thirty Years' War in the days of the predominant influence of the Wittelsbachers . The activities in Munich told him in 1893 the opportunity at the local university to habilitieren again, then he taught historical auxiliary sciences . The work he edited, Monumenta Palaeographica: Monuments to the Art of Writing of the Middle Ages , of which nine voluminous volumes appeared between 1902 and 1940, grew out of his preoccupation with the auxiliary sciences .

In 1898 Anton Chroust was appointed associate professor for modern history and historical auxiliary sciences at the University of Würzburg , in 1902 he was appointed full professor and held this position until his retirement in 1934 at the age of 70. In 1924/25 he was rector of the university. In 1921 he founded the Society for the Promotion of Science at the University of Würzburg, whose main task was to promote young lecturers.

In 1904 he founded the Society for Franconian History together with colleagues from the Universities of Würzburg and Erlangen . Chroust drafted the company's work program in a memorandum and remained managing director and scientific director until his death. Chroust initiated and published the résumés from Franconia , five volumes of which were published between 1919 and 1936. On his 75th birthday, the Society for Franconian History dedicated a collection of his lectures and papers to Chroust.

In 1927 Chroust became a member of the founding of the Commission for Bavarian State History , for the commission's magazine he headed the Franconian section, in which several of his articles appeared. For the series of publications of the commission he edited the reports of the French, Austrian and Prussian ambassadors accredited at the Munich court from the years 1814 to 1848.

After his apartment in Würzburg was destroyed on March 16, 1945, Chroust initially found accommodation in the municipality of Randersacker, which borders Würzburg to the south-east . Before the approaching Allied armies he fled to the east bordering Theilheim , where he died of exhaustion on May 22, 1945 and was buried.

Since 1904 Chroust was married to Johanna Sander from Trieste . The marriage had two children, including Anton-Hermann Chroust .


In 1944, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Chroust received the bronze city plaque from the city of Würzburg. In the Neue Deutsche Biographie , Wilhelm Engel acknowledged Chroust as a “critical researcher and polished essayist” who, as a university lecturer and science organizer, “achieved a life's achievement that was far above average, rich in creativity and struggle”.

In his obituary, Andreas Bigelmair spoke of a “life full of changing fates, manifold struggles, and restless, fruitful scientific work”. With admiration he pointed out the scope of his work: “The abundance of his literary and other works can only be explained by his immense and tireless labor, which was supported by a health that already spoke from his exterior and in his whole life by no illness was threatened ”. Despite the sophistication and organizational skills that Bigelmair emphasized, his character does not seem to have been easy: “Chroust had many opponents. His life was full of struggle and resistance. People with his energy seek to assert and assert themselves and their thoughts. The tough youth may have contributed. And in such struggles, objectivity and consideration are sometimes lost on both sides. Probably with him too. But in reality Chroust's heart was full of soft features. "

Works (selection)

  • The trip to Rome of Ludwig of Bavaria 1327-1329 (=  contributions to the history of Ludwig of Bavaria . Volume 1 ). Perthes, Gotha 1887.
  • Investigations into the Lombard king and duke documents . Styria, Graz 1888.
  • Tageo, Ansbert and the Historia peregrinorum . Three critical studies on the history of the crusade of Friedrich I. Styria, Graz 1892.
  • Abraham of Dohna . His life and his poem on the Diet of 1613 . Publishing house of the Royal Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Munich 1896.
  • From the invasion of the Passau war people to the Nuremberg Elector's Day (=  letters and acts on the history of the Thirty Years' War in the times of the predominant influence of the Wittelsbacher . Volume 9 ). Rieger, Munich 1903.
  • as publisher: Monumenta palaeographica: Monuments of the writing art of the Middle Ages . Munich (1899, 1902–1940).
  • The output of the reign of Emperor Rudolf II. And the beginnings of the Emperor Matthias (=  letters and Acts of the history of the Thirty Years' War in the times of the predominating influence of the Wittelsbach family . Band 10 ). Rieger, Munich 1906.
  • The Reichstag of 1613 (=  letters and acts on the history of the Thirty Years' War in the times of the prevailing influence of the Wittelsbachers . Volume 11 ). Rieger, Munich 1909.
  • based on a manuscript by Th.Boneshauer: Chronicles of the city of Bamberg . Vol. 1: Chronicle of the Bamberg immunity dispute from 1430–1435, with an appendix to documents (=  publications of the Society for Franconian History . Volume 1 ). Quelle & Meyer, Leipzig 1907.
  • based on a manuscript by Th.Boneshauer: Chronicles of the city of Bamberg . Vol. 2: Chronicles on the history of the peasant war and the margrave feud in Bamberg, with an appendix to documents (=  publications of the Society for Franconian History . Volume 1 ). Quelle & Meyer, Leipzig 1910.
  • The Würzburger Land a hundred years ago . A statistical and economic representation in official reports and tables (=  publications of the Society for Franconian History (Festschrift) ). Stürtz, Würzburg 1914.
  • The Grand Duchy of Würzburg 1806–1914 (=  Society for Franconian History, New Years Papers . Volume 8 ). Stürtz, Würzburg 1913.
  • Sources on the history of the crusade of Emperor Friedrich I. Berlin in 1928 (reprint Munich 1989).
  • with Hans Prösler: Das Handlungsbuch der Holzschuher in Nürnberg from 1304–1307 (=  publications of the Society for Franconian History, Series 10: Sources on the economic history of Franconia . Volume 1 ). Palm & Enke, Erlangen 1934.
  • CVs from Franconia (=  publications of the Society for Franconian History, 7th series: CVs from Franconia . 1 to 5 (1919–1936)). Duncker & Humblot, Munich.
  • Essays and lectures on Franconian, German and general history (=  publications by the Society for Franconian History ). Harrassowitz, Leipzig 1939.
  • Anton Chroust (Ed.): Legation reports from Munich 1814–1848 . Section 1: The reports of the French envoys, Volumes 1–6 (=  series of publications on Bavarian national history . 18–19 and 21–24 (1935–1937)). Publishing house of the Commission for Bavarian State History, Munich.
  • Anton Chroust (Ed.): Legation reports from Munich 1814–1848 . Section 2: The reports of the Austrian ambassadors, Volumes 1–4 (=  series of publications on Bavarian regional history . 33 and 36–38 (1939–1942)). Publishing house of the Commission for Bavarian State History, Munich.
  • Anton Chroust (Ed.): Legation reports from Munich 1814–1848 . Dept. 3: The reports of the Prussian ambassadors, Volumes 1–5 (=  series of publications on Bavarian regional history . Volume 39-43 ). Biederstein u. a. (Vol. 5: Beck), Munich (1949-1951).


  • Peter Herd : Anton Chroust . Co-founder of the Society for Franconian History. An Austrian historian in the German academic environment from the Wilhelmine era to National Socialism. In: Erich Schneider (Ed.): Reflecting on Franconian history . Lectures on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Society for Franconian History from 16. – 19. September 2004 (=  publications of the Society for Franconian History, 9 ). tape 50 . Schmidt, Neustadt ad A. 2005, ISBN 3-7686-9310-4 , p. 39-56 .
  • Peter Herde: The Abbess Cuthsuuith, Anton Chroust and the fall of the Bavarian Minister of Education Robert von Landmann (1901/02) . In: Peter Herde and Anton Schindling (eds.): University of Würzburg and science in modern times . Contributions to the history of education, dedicated to Peter Baumgart on the occasion of his 65th birthday (=  sources and research on the history of the diocese and bishopric of Würzburg ). tape 53 . Schöningh, Würzburg 1998, ISBN 3-87717-057-9 , pp. 231 ff .
  • Peter Herd: Anton Chroust (1864–1945). A controversial historian from Austria in Franconia . In: Karl Hruza (ed.): Austrian historians. CVs and careers 1900–1945 . tape 2 . Böhlau, Vienna / Cologne / Weimar 2012, ISBN 978-3-205-78764-8 , pp. 85-127 .
  • Andreas Bigelmair : Anton Chroust (1864–1945) . In: CVs from Franconia . tape 6 . Munich 1960, p. 98-108 (reprint Würzburg 1993).
  • Andreas Bigelmair: Anton Chroust † . In: Journal for Bavarian State History . tape 15 , 1949, pp. 185–190 ( ).
  • Wilhelm EngelChroust, Anton Julius. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 3, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1957, ISBN 3-428-00184-2 , p. 251 ( digitized version ).
  • C. Erdmann : Biographical introduction to: Anton Chroust, essays and lectures on Franconian, German and general history . Leipzig 1939, p. V – VIII .

Web links

Wikisource: Anton Chroust  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Weidisch: Würzburg in the "Third Reich". In: Ulrich Wagner (Hrsg.): History of the city of Würzburg. 4 volumes, Volume I-III / 2, Theiss, Stuttgart 2001-2007; III / 1–2: From the transition to Bavaria to the 21st century. Volume 2, 2007, ISBN 978-3-8062-1478-9 , p. 1273, note 60.
  2. ^ Wilhelm EngelChroust, Anton Julius. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 3, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1957, ISBN 3-428-00184-2 , p. 251 ( digitized version ). P. 251