Franz Xaver Zinsmeister

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Franz Xaver Zinsmeister , also: Firmiani de Krena (born January 23, 1742 in Ensfeld , † March 26, 1797 in Spalt ), was a Roman Catholic theologian, canon , canon and writer.


When his parents moved, Franz Xaver Zinsmeister came from Ensfeld to Nassenfels . He attended grammar school in Neuburg an der Donau and from 1760–1765 the University of Ingolstadt , which he graduated as Lic. Theol. left. In 1765 he was ordained a Roman Catholic priest and was initially a temporary priest in Monheim , in 1766 a cooperator in Wemding , and finally a provisional parish priest in Neukirchen near Sulzbach-Rosenberg . In 1770 the Eichstätt prince-bishop appointed him to reign his seminary . At the same time he was canon of the Willibald Choir and in 1773 clerical councilor and consitorial councilor . As a declared enemy of the Jesuits , he advocated a reform of theological training, but was unable to assert himself against the power of the ex-Jesuits after the Jesuit ban of 1773, which was promoted by the Eichstatt bishop . In November 1774, under pressure from the bishop, he went to Spalt, where he became a canon at the local canons of St. Nikolaus and St. Emmeram. Here he was active as a writer and achieved above all with his under the author name “F. d. K. ”published several times about the power (restriction) of the emperor caused a stir. He also worked on the literary newspaper published by the Banz Benedictines . In 1792 he became the parish priest of Spalt and founded the parish of Obererlbach , which until then had been the Filialkirchdorf of Mitteleschenbach .


  • Eulogy for the holy Claravian Abbot and Doctor of the Church Bernhardus . Dillingen 1773
  • De Veri Cognitione Et Ignoratione Ex S. Augustino Doctore Maximo Documenta Haereticorum, Et Peccatorum Materialium Defensoribus Praesentata Canonici Spalatini De Veri Cognitione Et Ignoratione Ex S. Augustino Doctore Maximo Documenta Haereticorum, Et Peccatorum Materialium Defensoribus Praesentata . 1781
  • The new projectant from Freyburg, concerning the nuns with a lament of the devil. about this designer . Freyburg (Freiburg im Breisgau) 1783
  • Stories and Reasons of All Religions, Best for Best in Ten Conversations with Religious Orders, and Persecutions of Roman Emperors . Augsburg / Ingolstadt 1784
  • What is the Kayser? and how far does each power extend? Philosophically examined by F. d. K. 3 parts, 3rd edition Augsburg 1785. (Also as: What is the Kaiser? And how far does each power extend? Vienna 1783). Full text
  • Appelatio altera sanctissimo Patri, Pontifici Maximo DD Pio sexto, in causa decimalis spolii notorii tricenuali puncto ... humillime praesentata ac in Potentum Emsensium Punctationum Typis evulgata . OO 1791
  • Chronicle of the Spalter Canons' Monastery (in the diocesan archive of Eichstätt)


  • Johann Kaspar Bundschuh: Geographical Statistical-Topographical Lexicon of Franconia. 5th volume. Ulm: Stettinische Buchhandlung 1802, Sp. 369f.
  • JG Meusel: Lexicon of the deceased German writers . 15 (1816), pp. 425f.
  • Franz Xaver Buchner (arr.): Necrologium Cleri saecularis Eystettensis. Eichstätt: Ph. Brönnersche Buchdruckerei (Peter Seitz) 1906, p. 22
  • Bruno Lengenfelder: The Diocese of Eichstätt between Enlightenment and Restoration. Church and State 1773-1821 . Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet 1990, esp. P. 37, FN 17