Woman and dog

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Frau und Hund (subtitle: magazine for cursive thinking) is a magazine for art, literature and related topics that has been published by the artist Markus Lüpertz since 2003 .


The magazine was first published on the occasion of Art Basel as a paperback booklet that was given to visitors to the fair. A purely Italian edition was presented in April 2004 in the Villa Massimo , a purely French edition in November 2006 in the Center Pompidou in Paris. In May 2007 another special edition was presented in the Albertina in Vienna.

Since the 11th edition, the magazine has not only appeared as a paperboard edition in bookshops, but also as a linen-bound edition with an original graphic by an artist from Lüpertz's environment.

The edition series for italic thinking emerged from the magazine .


The concept was created based on an idea by Markus Lüpertz and his dissatisfaction with the art criticism together with the editor GH Holländer and Durs Grünbein .

The Deutschlandfunk stated in a review: "Unusual texts with abstruse private philosophies and original articles cannot be found without grace and wit." The reviewer of Deutschlandfunk compares the contents of the magazine with a colorful herb and beet garden, in which giant tomatoes also grow, of which it is not entirely clear whether they are edible: "You have to accept the pronounced narcissism of Markus Lüpertz with a wink to see a generously funded playground in this magazine, a free field of anarchy."

The subtitle "Journal for Italic Thinking" alludes to the term italic and the word course as a contrast to discourse .

Frau und Hund appears in Teltow with three issues a year.


Numerous German and international artists and intellectuals have published in Frau und Hund .

Individual evidence

  1. Archive link ( Memento of the original from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.villamassimo.de
  2. http://www.ots.at/presseaussendung.php?schluessel=OTS_20070524_OTS0232
  3. a b Martin Krumbholz: Weird Thinking - Markus Lüpertz 'magazine "Frau und Hund" , Deutschlandradio on March 20, 2008. Accessed on November 13, 2009