Frauenkirche (Görlitz)

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woman Church
View from Postplatz to the Frauenkirche

View from Postplatz to the Frauenkirche

Construction time: 1459-1473
Inauguration: May 29, 1473
Style elements : Gothic
Tower height:


Location: 51 ° 9 '8.7 "  N , 14 ° 59' 14.5"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 9 '8.7 "  N , 14 ° 59' 14.5"  E
Address: At the Frauenkirche
Saxony , Germany
Purpose: evangelical church
Local community: Evangelical inner city community of Görlitz
Regional Church : Evangelical Church Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia
inner space
The Schuster Organ

The Frauenkirche is a three-aisled hall church in the late Gothic style. The church was once at the gates of the city of Görlitz . In the meantime, however, it is in the middle of the center and shapes the image of the city center. In autumn 1989 it was the starting point for prayers for peace in the city.


The church building is located in Görlitz city center and connects directly to the south of the Art Nouveau department store on Demianiplatz . To the south of the church, the Postplatz opens up with the post office. To the east of the church is a shopping arcade - the Citycenter Frauentor .


Drawing of the east view of the Frauenkirche around 1684

Already in the middle of the 14th century there was a church outside the city ​​walls on the way to the Frauentor - the Church of Our Dear Women . It was probably a wooden structure and was laid down in March 1431 to prevent the Hussite army from being able to establish itself. About ten years later the first plans for a massive rebuilding of the church came up. The foundation stone for the new building was laid on May 7, 1459 and the consecration on May 29, 1473, before completion. During the late Gothic period, the church was built in its current appearance, apart from the upper part of the western bell tower. Inside, the balustrade of the organ stage still refers to the Gothic creative phase. In 1696 the west tower, which was already 32½ cubits high, was raised again by 10½ cubits and a woodwork 40 cubits high was added. In 1735 the baroque tower dome was covered with sheet metal.

Until 1870 the church appears rarely in the city's history. Only with the expansion of the city in the direction of the train station did the church gain in importance. It was renewed between 1869 and 1871 and then enjoyed a greater influx every Sunday. In 1927 the church was re-plastered. During the last renovation of the church between 2001 and 2011, the quarry stone walls also disappeared behind a white plaster.

The bronze bells of the church were melted down during the First World War. After the war, they were replaced by three cast steel bells that are matched to the eis-eg chord. The consecration of bells took place in the early 1920s. The following psalms can be read on the bells ; large bell: "From the depths, Lord, I call to you." (Psalm 130), middle bell: "Nevertheless I always remain with you." (Psalm 73, 32) and small bell: "Rejoice in the Lord always . "(Phil.4,4). The bells have been ringed by an electric bell since 1930.

The organ is located on the east side of the central nave. This organ has 34 registers and 2300 pipes. It was built from 1976 to 1977 by the Schuster company from Zittau . The master carpenter Püschner from Görlitz designed the organ prospectus. The new organ replaced the late Gothic organ that hung like a swallow's nest.

Cemetery and defensive wall

Due to its location in front of the city walls, the church once had a defensive wall around the church and cemetery. On the south side facing away from the city, two round towers reinforced the wall. During earthworks in 1996, the remains of a defensive tower were found. The cemetery enclosed the church on both the long and the east side. It was laid out in 1350 for the plague deaths at the gates of the city. The cemetery and the fortifications were leveled or removed around 1840 to make room for the expansion of the city to the south. Only a few tombstones are left on the lawn around the choir and on the outer walls of the choir.


West portal of the church

The church is kept very simple inside and out. The nave has three aisles and the choir has a single nave. The high tracery windows, the ribbed vault with the ornate keystones depicting the seven joys of Mary , the four evangelist symbols and four female saints, as well as the sandstone organ gallery are among the most important Gothic stonemasons in the city.

The side walls are made entirely of quarry stone, while the western tower is made of stone blocks. Only the buttresses of the side walls, which end with an eyelash and a finial , are faced with ashlar. The pointed arch windows are all divided into three parts and differ in their tracery in the pointed arch. The stonemasons proved their special art in the magnificent west portal. In the left of the two gussets above the doors there is a pair of dogs, whose creation probably arose from the mood and humor of the stonemasons. Below the wide flat arch of the portal there are two figures under a canopy each. The right sculpture shows Maria kneeling at the prayer desk, and the left the archangel Gabriel , who brings her the message of her divine motherhood. Above the entrance portal is a lower, six-fold window.

Web links

Commons : Frauenkirche (Görlitz)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  • Stefanie Fink, Kai Wenzel: The late medieval furnishings of the Görlitzer Frauenkirche . In: Görlitzer Magazin 23 (2010), pp. 17–34.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Richard Jecht: History of the City of Görlitz, Volume 1, Half Volume 2 . 1st edition. Verlag des Magistrates der Stadt Görlitz, 1934, p. 767 ff .
  2. a b Find: The Frauenkirche in Görlitz . (No longer available online.) Formerly in the original ; Retrieved January 13, 2012 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  3. a b Frauenkirche Görlitz . (No longer available online.) Formerly in the original ; Retrieved January 13, 2012 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  4. ^ A b Ernst Heinz Lemper: Görlitz. A historical topography . 2nd Edition. Oettel-Verlag, Görlitz 2009, ISBN 3-932693-63-9 , p. 54 ff .
  5. The Görlitzer Frauenkirche . (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on December 29, 2011 ; Retrieved January 13, 2012 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /