Fried Wesemann

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Fried Heinrich Wilhelm Wesemann (* 3. August 1915 in Hannover , † 2001 ) was a German journalist and senior SPD - functionary who knowingly which since the 1950s, the Federal Intelligence Service and the CIA zuarbeitete.

Live and act

Fried Wesemann was the son of Fritz Wesemann and Marie, nee Lampe. In 1945 Wesemann worked as an editor for the Düsseldorfer Nachrichten , from 1946 to 1948 as the head of politics at the Hanover Press and in 1948 as a correspondent for the Frankfurter Rundschau at the Economic Council of the Bizone . From 1949 to 1956 he was the office manager of the Frankfurter Rundschau in Bonn, and from 1956 to 1958 editor-in-chief of the Hanover press. From 1960 to 1967 he worked as a FR correspondent in France, then as a freelancer for Christ und Welt , ZDF and Deutschlandfunk . In 1948, as the SPD representative, Wesemann held a discussion on the radio program Abendstudio , moderated by Alfred Andersch , with August Haussleiter (CDU), Hans Werner Richter and Rüdiger Proske . In 1952 he published a biography about the SPD chairman Kurt Schumacher (Kurt Schumacher: a life for Germany) . In his articles, Wesemann defended “ Adenauer's apparently lax stance against former National Socialists ”.

After the SPD entered the grand coalition under Chancellor Kiesinger , Herbert Wehner wanted to support the executive committee member Alfred Nau with a chief coordinator for public relations and press releases from the party headquarters. From mid-1967 Wesemann was director of information policy at the SPD party executive . From November 28th to 30th, 1967 he was with Egon Franke , at that time chairman of the Bundestag committee for all-German and Berlin issues, and Leo Bauer , the Brandt advisor and editor-in-chief of the " Neue Gesellschaft ", for secret talks with politicians of the Partito Comunista Italiano in Rome, through which the SPD hoped to improve contacts with the SED rulers in preparation for the new Ostpolitik . Across from them sat the KPI board member - who later became the father of Eurocommunism - Enrico Berlinguer and the head of the Central Committee's section for international politics, Carlo Galluzzi . The personal secretary of party leader Longo , Sergio Segre, joined them . Wesemann, who had recorded the conversations for the SPD, then passed on the report on the course of this meeting to the Federal Intelligence Service . This emerges from a note dated February 6, 1968 to the then BND boss Reinhard Gehlen . The note on the file states that Wesemann “relies on appropriate secrecy”.

At the end of 2017, Reinhard Gehlen's private archive was leaked to the Süddeutsche Zeitung ; It also became known that Wesemann had supported the Federal Intelligence Service in spying on leading SPD politicians. As a leading member of the party apparatus, he had worked for both the BND and the American CIA since the 1950s . Wesemann had probably also informed the BND in 1968 about the contacts between leading SPD politicians such as Willy Brandt and the Italian Partito Comunista Italiano. Wesemann last lived in Remagen .


  • Kurt Schumacher. A life for Germany. Herkul Verlagsanstalt, Frankfurt am Main 1952.

Individual evidence

  1. a b “Immigration Maps” Rio der Janeiro, Brazil, 1957, accessed on on December 3, 2017.
  2. CDU federal board minutes 1965-1969, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung , No. 15 of October 9, 1967, p. 671, accessed on on December 3, 2017, (PDF file)
  3. Heiko Buschke: German press, right-wing extremism and the National Socialist past . 2003, p. 96 [1]
  4. ^ Monika Boll: Night program: intellectual founding debates in the early Federal Republic . Lit Verlag, Münster 2004, p. 94 [2]
  5. Apology for a Chancellor in Die ZEIT (1985)
  6. ^ Christoph Meyer: Herbert Wehner: Biography . dtv, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-423-24551-4 , p. 339 [3]
  7. Nikolaus Dörr: The Red Danger: Italian Eurocommunism as a Security Policy Challenge for the USA and West Germany 1969-1979. (Contemporary historical studies, 58). . Cologne: Böhlau 2017, p. 207. [4]
  8. Stefanie Waske: More liaison than control: The control of the BND by parliament. , Springer-Verlag, 2009, p. 149. [5]
  9. a b c Uwe Ritzer and Willi Winkler: hunter, collector, bird lover - look into the shadowy realm of the notorious BND boss Reinhard Gehlen . Süddeutsche Zeitung from 2/3 December 2017. [6]
  10. Dirk Kroegel. Find a beginning !: Kurt Georg Kiesinger in the foreign and German policy of the grand coalition . De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 1996, p. 213 [7]