Ethics of peace

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Peace ethics is an area of applied ethics . It establishes criteria for good and bad action in relation to the maintenance or creation of peace and evaluates the motives and consequences of actions in this context. Theological ethics of peace are particularly important (cf. for example the global ethic ).

The philosophical peace ethics seeks answers to the question of how to act in certain peace-relevant situations . The simplest and classic formulation of such a question comes from Immanuel Kant : What should I do? . It was specified by Kant in the text "For Eternal Peace" for action relevant to peace. This writing is considered a key work of the modern philosophical peace ethics.

In answering this question, jurisprudence , in contrast to the ethics of peace, refers to a certain, already factually applicable legal system (positive law), whose international and European legal norms it interprets and applies. Also empirical sciences, such as sociology , anthropology and psychology ( peace research and especially Peace Psychology ) deal with descriptive actually existing peace ethical convictions, settings and sanctions patterns . In contrast to the ethics of peace, they are not or to a lesser extent concerned with the normative side of justification or criticism .



  • Dirk Ansorge: The Middle East Conflict. Political, religious and theological dimensions, Stuttgart 2006 (contributions to peace ethics. Issue 43).
  • Dieter Baumann: Military Ethics, Stuttgart 2007 (Theology and Peace. Volume 36).
  • Gerhard Beestermöller, Michael Haspel, Uwe Trittmann (eds.): "What we're fighting for ...". - Peace ethics in the transatlantic debate, Stuttgart 2006 (contributions to peace ethics. Issue 37).
  • Gerhard Beestermöller, Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven (ed.): The dispute over the Iranian nuclear policy. International law, political and peace ethical reflections, Stuttgart 2006 (contributions to peace ethics. Issue 40).
  • Gerhard Beestermöller: Thomas von Aquin and the just war, Cologne 1990 (Theology and Peace. Volume 4).
  • Marcus Düwell, Christoph Hübenthal, Micha H. Werner (eds.): Handbook Ethics. Metzler, Stuttgart a. a., 2nd act. Edition 2006, ISBN 3476021246
  • Francisco de Vitoria: De indis (About the Indians) & De jure belli (About martial law). In: Lectures II (Relectiones). International law, politics, church. Latin-German text, ed. by Ulrich Horst , Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven , Joachim Stüben, Stuttgart 1997 ( Theology and Peace. Volume 8).
  • Klaus Ebeling: Military and Ethics. Moral and military critical reflections on the self-image of the Bundeswehr, Stuttgart 2006 (Contributions to Peace Ethics. Issue 41).
  • Hans-Georg Ehrhart, Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven (ed.): Intervention in the Congo. A critical analysis of the peace policy of the UN and EU, Stuttgart 2008 (Contributions to Peace Ethics. Issue 42).
  • Christine Freitag : Peace ethics as a task for training and qualification in the church. An approximation in five theses. In: epd documentation 25/2006.
  • Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven : A reformed UN in the service of overcoming the interstate war. The peace ethics program of the papacy as reflected in Caritas in Veritate, in: What if the world goes out of joint? Christian world responsibility in the horizon of globalization, ed. Peter Klasvogt, Andreas Fisch, Paderborn 2010, 188-200.
  • Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven , Rolf Schumacher (Eds.): "Just Peace" - World Community in Responsibility, Stuttgart 2003 (Theology and Peace. Volume 25).
  • Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven : Francisco de Vitoria on War and Peace, Stuttgart 1991 (Theology and Peace. Volume 5).
  • Bernhard Koch: Protecting the enemy, Baden-Baden 2014
  • Volker Stümke: Martin Luther's understanding of peace, Stuttgart 2007 (Theology and Peace. Volume 34).
  • Timo J. Weissenberg: The Peace Teaching of Augustine, Stuttgart 2005 (Theology and Peace. Volume 28).
  • Series: Contributions to Peace Ethics, ed. from the Institute for Theology and Peace Hamburg, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart (so far 43 volumes)
  • Series: Theology and Peace, ed. from the Institute for Theology and Peace Hamburg, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart (40 volumes so far)
  • Alfred Klose (ed.): Peace and social order. Festschrift for Rudolf Weiler's 60th birthday, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 1988, ISBN 3-428-06444-5
  • Alfred Klose: Cultural ethics as a challenge, Klagenfurt / Celovec, Vienna a. a .: Hermagoras / Mohorjeva 2006, ISBN 3-7086-0183-1
  • Ernst Josef Nagel (ed.): Anticipating the war. Christian Peace Ethics and Politics, Herder, Freiburg 1984
  • Norbert Glatzel, Ernst Josef Nagel (ed.): Peace in security. On the further development of the Catholic peace ethics, Herder, Freiburg 2nd edition 1982
  • Eberhard Schockenhoff : No end to violence? Peace ethics for a globalized world, Freiburg 2018.
  • Volker Stümke , Matthias Gillner (ed.): Peace ethics in the 20th century (= theology and peace. Vol. 42). Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2011, ISBN 978-3-17-021837-6 .
  • Rudolf Weiler : Peace discourse from different ideological perspectives, Duncker & Humblot 1988, ISBN 3-428-06443-7
  • Rudolf Weiler : International Ethics. An introduction. First volume: The moral order of the international community, Duncker & Humblot 1986, ISBN 3-428-06133-0
  • Rudolf Weiler : International Ethics. An introduction. Volume Two: Questions of the International Moral Order. Peace in Freedom and Justice, Duncker & Humblot 1989, ISBN 3-428-06134-9
  • Rudolf Weiler : Völkerrechtsordnung und Völkerrechtsethik, Duncker & Humblot 2000, ISBN 3-428-10275-4
  • Valentin Zsifkovits : Ethics of Peace, Linz: Veritas 1987
  • Studies on Peace Ethics, ed. by Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven and Bernhard Koch, Nomos-Verlag / Aschendorff-Verlag Baden-Baden / Münster, since 2014

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