Frieder Heinze

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Frieder Heinze (born March 27, 1950 in Leipzig ) is a German painter, graphic artist and object artist .


Frieder Heinze's parents ran a health food store in Leipzig. After finishing elementary school, Heinze completed vocational training in the Wall with a high school diploma from 1966 to 1969. From 1969 to 1974 he studied at the University for Graphics and Book Art in Leipzig with Werner Tübke and Wolfgang Mattheuer . From 1974 to 1977 he was a master student with Tübke and Bernhard Heisig . From 1977 he worked freelance in Leipzig. In the same year he began sculpting with Günther Huniat. Since his studies, Heinze had developed intensive artistic contacts with “non-conformist” artists such as Lutz Dammbeck , Günter Firit, Hans-Hendrik Grimmling , Günther Huniat and Olaf Wegewitz . Together with them, he initiated the “ First Leipzig Autumn Salon ” in 1984 . In 1986, together with Wegewitz, he created the artist's book “Unaulutu”, an art object “that set new standards for artistic creation in the former GDR”. Heinze has been working with ceramist Claudia Rückert in Leisnig since 1986. Since 1987 he had his own studio in Leipzig-Lindenthal. In 1989 Heinze was on study visits to Cuba and Mexico. He now lives and works in Börtewitz, Saxony .


Artist books and book illustrations (selection)

  • Unaulutu. Pebbles in the sand. Artist book with Olaf Wegewitz in an edition of 130 copies. Publishing house Philipp Reclam jun. Leipzig, 1986
  • Book for the blind. Artist book, together with Wegewitz, Ralf Klement , Fotis Zapratis and Günther Huniat, in an edition of 45 copies. Self-published, Leipzig, 1988
  • Theo Breuer: The blue butterfly . With reproductions of six woodcuts. Corvinus-Presse, Berlin, 1994
Relief on the Tramturm in Freiburg

Art in architecture (selection)

  • Freiburg / Breisgau: Tramturm, large cast iron relief in the entrance of the building


Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 1993 Chemnitz, Galerie Weise
  • 1994 Glauchau, Museum Schloss Hinterglauchau
  • 2000 Altenburg, Lindenau Museum
  • 2007 Mittweida, Mittweida University
  • 2013 and 2015 Magdeburg, Kunstmuseum Kloster Unserer Lieben Frauen
  • 2019 Brandenburg, Sun Sails Gallery

Works in museums and public collections

Literature (selection)

  • Annegret Laabs and Uwe Gellner (eds.): Frieder Heinze. Daydreams. Jovis-Verlag, Berlin, 2013, ISBN 978-3-86859-253-5 .

Web links

Commons : Frieder Heinze  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Visit to the studio of Frieder Heinze. at: Academy of the Arts Saxony-Anhalt.
  2. Juliane Seifert, Ingmar Stange: Unaulutu. University of Leipzig , Book Studies, 2017.
  3. ^ Website Claudia Rückert
  4. Tram Tower Freiburg
  5. Frieder Heinze online at SKD
  6. a b c Frieder Heinze in the picture index of art and architecture .
  7. ^ Website of the Kunsthalle.
  8. ^ Website of the Mumok.