Lutz Dammbeck

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Lutz Dammbeck in the Frankfurt Film Museum , November 2015

Lutz Dammbeck (born October 17, 1948 in Leipzig ) is a German painter , graphic artist and filmmaker .


Dammbeck was born and grew up in Leipzig as the son of a secretary and a trainer for racehorses. His youth was shaped on the one hand by regularly playing tennis in the southern suburbs , on the other hand by his father's activity on the racecourse . Dammbeck has been helping out in the stable during the summer holidays since he was eight. The work involved the whole family, drew them to the racing fields of different cities and determined the rhythm of life. “I liked this mixture of sport, circus and doing business.” From the 1950s onwards, the family accommodated trade fair guests from Germany. On June 17, 1953 , he was able to watch the entry of Russian tanks into Leipzig.

His mother registered him in a private drawing circle of a former Bauhaus student. Admission to the extended secondary school was achieved with the intervention of the mother of a classmate with the necessary influence. To graduate, he also had to pass a skilled worker examination in the course of a school experiment. His first choice for the apprenticeship was landscape designer , for whom all places were taken. Dammbeck decided to become a typesetter without knowing what was involved, and took a liking to the job.

“Everyday life in the company was determined by a lack of materials, sloppiness and ideological-driven planning specifications. We students were amazed to hear the workers' sharp mockery of their state. [...] I liked the proletarian wit and the class consciousness of typesetters and printers, which was fed by old traditions. But also working with lead letters, [...] making the test prints and the smell of turpentine and printing ink. I liked to draw, but wanted to do something with writing in the future. "

To prepare for his studies and to advise on portfolios, he attended typography courses at the evening school of the Leipzig School of Graphics and Book Art . In 1966 he began his basic studies there in the book design department . Egon Pruggmayer , Jan Tschichold , Walter Schiller and Heinz Wagner taught at the university, and Dammbeck switched to his poster class. He is in contact with Karin Plessing, Günther Huniat, Lutz Friedel , Thomas Ranft , Hans-Hendrik Grimmling , Gil Schlesinger , Günter Firit and Frieder Heinze , among others . In the student club that we helped to create, there were bars, concerts by bands that were not allowed to perform, jazz sessions and dancing. Other places of his student life included a bar in the Ring Café and in particular the cinema casino . In 1968, on his way back from the World Festival in Sofia, he experienced the occupation of Prague by Soviet troops.

In the early 1970s, Dammbeck discovered animation film as a field of experimentation and a means of expression.

Sources of inspiration for him include Franciszek Starkowieyski , Jan Lenica , Walerian Borowczyk , films on West German television since 1967, films by Michaelangelo Antonion i and Jean-Luc Godard , American cartoons , pop art and rock music ( Cream , Vanilla Fudge , Jefferson Airplane , Renft ), as well as the annual international documentary film week in Leipzig.

He has been a freelance painter and graphic artist since 1974. Since 1976 he has also worked as an author , animator and director of various experimental and animated films for DEFA and his own production. In 1978 he took part in the XIII. Art exhibition of the GDR in Dresden . Since 1979 he has worked on various action and intermedia exhibition projects , published an artist magazine and donated the alternative Mogollon Art Prize . He took part in the International Triennial of Hand Drawing in Zurich and Lausanne .

Fascinated by the films of the classic avant-garde , expanded cinema and pop art , Dammbeck began to develop his work away from pure graphics and drawing in the late 1970s. He begins to use photographs, mixes drawing and real film, combined with found footage and parts from archive films . Following the premiere of Metamorphoses I , he received encouragement from Wieland Herzfeld , brother of John Heartfield, who was admired by Dammbeck . Dammbeck perceives this as an “accolade”.

He noted in homage à la Sarraz:

“Beyond the formal, the reference to the spirit of La Sarraz was for me both polemics [and] ... a reference to the fact that there were not only lines of reference and tradition in the period before 1933, the Slatan Dudow , Brecht and Kuhle Wampe , but also Fischinger , Richter, Eggeling , ... and that I can and want to build on that. "

In 1982 he began working on the Heracles Concept . A permanently updated total work of art consisting of painting, collages , installations, films and media staging, archive and collage at the same time. Inspired by the text Herakles 2 or The Hydra Heiner Müller , which he contrasts with the fairy tale of the stubborn child . As a fitter, he collects, processes and assembles newspaper clippings, archives and photographs to create an archeology of memory .

Since 1984 he has been working on media collages from painting, dance , film and music , a. a. for the Bauhaus Dessau and the Dresden International Music Festival and, together with friends, conceived the 1st Leipzig Autumn Salon , an exhibition at the Leipzig Exhibition Center organized outside the Association of Visual Artists . In 1985 he took part in the International Biennale in São Paulo .

After rejecting the tenth travel application for approval of a “study trip to non-socialist countries”, he submitted an application to leave the country in 1986 and moved to Hamburg . There he continued the Herakles concept and turned increasingly to documentary and animation films. In 1990 he founded his own film production company. From 1992 to 1993 he was visiting professor at the Hamburg University of Design and from 1998 to 2015 professor at the Dresden University of Fine Arts . He took u. a. at the exhibition Deutschlandbilder 1997 in the Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin and the exhibition Das XX. Century part.

In 2005 he received the Käthe Kollwitz Prize and the DEFA Foundation Prize for the Promotion of German Film Art.

Lutz Dammbeck has been a member of the Free Academy of the Arts in Hamburg since 2015 .

Solo exhibitions (selection)

year place title
1979 Galerie Wort und Werk (with Hendrik Grimmling ), Leipzig
1980 Gallery Mitte, Dresden
1983 Art Cabinet, Erfurt
1985 Gallery above, Karl-Marx-Stadt
1986 Bauhaus Dessau Lutz Dammbeck - pictures, collages, action documentation
1988 Artist House Hamburg
1990 New Society for Fine Arts , Realism Studio, Berlin
1994 Atelier Sainte Anne Gallery, Brussels
1997/98 Haus am Waldsee , Berlin / Lindenau Museum , Altenburg / Städtische Galerie Rähnitzgasse, Dresden / Kunstverein Heidelberg Heracles concept
2000 Brecht Center Berlin Virus War II
2005 Academy of the Arts Berlin All Systems Go
2006 Academy of the Arts Berlin paranoia
2007 Gallery COMA Berlin Re_Re-Education
2010 Art room of the German Bundestag , Berlin Atlas maker
2010 Sprengel Museum Hannover Re_Re-Education

Films (writer, animator, director, producer)

title country year length Art production
The moon GDR 1975 6 ' Animation film DEFA studio for animated films, Dresden
Live! GDR 1978 10 ' Animation film DEFA studio for animated films, Dresden
Metamorphoses I GDR 1978/1979 7 ' Experimental film Mogollon Film, Leipzig
The tailor from Ulm GDR 1979 14 ' Animation film DEFA studio for documentary films, Potsdam-Babelsberg
Einmart GDR 1981 15 ' Animation film DEFA studio for animated films, Dresden
Homage à la Sarraz GDR 1981 12 ' Experimental film Mogollon Film, Leipzig
The discovery GDR 1983 17 ' Animation film DEFA studio for animated films, Dresden
1st Leipzig Autumn Salon GDR 1984/2006 20 ' documentation Lutz Dammbeck film production
The flood GDR 1986 10 ' Animation film DEFA studio for animated films, Dresden
The painter came from a foreign country ... FRG 1988 44 ' documentary Cinecentrum Hamburg for the SWF , Baden-Baden and the WDR , Cologne
Heracles cave Germany 1983/1990 45 ' Experimental film Lutz Dammbeck film production for SWF , Baden-Baden
Time of the gods Germany 1992 92 ' documentary Lutz Dammbeck film production for SWF , Baden-Baden
Duke Ernst Germany 1984/1993 45 ' Animation film Lutz Dammbeck film production for La Sept / Arte and the WDR , Cologne
Dürer's heirs Germany 1995 59 ' documentary Lutz Dammbeck film production for MDR , Leipzig and Arte, Strasbourg
The master game Germany 1998 106 ' documentary Lutz Dammbeck film production for WDR , Cologne
The Net - Unabomber, LSD and the Internet Germany 2003 121 ' documentary Lutz Dammbeck film production for SWR , Baden-Baden
Visit to Rudolf Arnheim Germany 2004 20 ' documentation Lutz Dammbeck Filmproduktion, Hamburg
Overgames Germany 2007/2015 164 ' documentary Lutz Dammbeck Filmproduktion, Hamburg, in co-production with the RBB , Brandenburg, in cooperation with Arte, Strasbourg
Bruno & Bettina , conversation with Masao Adachi Germany 2018 105 ' documentary


  • Lutz Dammbeck catalog - pictures, collages, action documentation , Bauhaus Dessau 1986
  • Catalog Lutz Dammbeck - Herakles Concept , Berlin 1997
  • The network - the construction of the Unabomber , January 2005
  • Short biography for:  Dammbeck, Lutz . In: Who was who in the GDR? 5th edition. Volume 1. Ch. Links, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-86153-561-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Lutz Dammbeck: Herakles concept . Verlag der Kunst G + B Fine Arts Verlag GmbH, Amsterdam 1997, ISBN 90-5705-072-2 , Lutz Dammbeck - Biography, p. 156 (159 pp.).
  2. a b c Lutz Dammbeck: Films and media collages 1975-1986 . In: Filmmuseum Potsdam and Filmmuseum Munich (eds.): Edition Filmmuseum . tape 38 . Munich September 12, 2008, conversation with Lutz Dammbeck (2007) - Part 1, DVD 1 .
  3. ^ A b Lutz Dammbeck: Obsessed with Pop . 1st edition. Verlag Lutz Schulenburg, Hamburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-89401-765-1 , p. 5 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  4. ^ Lutz Dammbeck: Obsessed with Pop . 1st edition. Verlag Lutz Schulenburg, Hamburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-89401-765-1 , p. 10 ( ).
  5. ^ Lutz Dammbeck: Obsessed with Pop . 1st edition. Verlag Lutz Schulenburg, Hamburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-89401-765-1 , p. 7 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  6. ^ Lutz Dammbeck: Obsessed with Pop . 1st edition. Verlag Lutz Schulenburg, Hamburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-89401-765-1 , p. 14th f . ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  7. Michael Hametner: Airplanes, wood and haystacks. In: Friday. May 16, 2008, accessed March 17, 2020 .
  8. ^ Thomas Mayer: artist, organizer, communicator: Günther Huniat will be 80 on Monday. In: Leipziger Volkszeitung. September 23, 2019, accessed March 17, 2020 .
  9. ^ Lutz Dammbeck: Herakles concept . Verlag der Kunst G + B Fine Arts Verlag GmbH, Amsterdam 1997, ISBN 90-5705-072-2 , "... alone in the battle with the animal!", P. 34 (159 pp.).
  10. Inka Schube: Re_Re-Education. Lutz Dammbeck. Films 1979-2003 . Catalog for the exhibition from May 19 to September 26, 2010. Ed .: Inka Schube. Sprengel Museum Hannover, Hannover 2010, ISBN 978-3-89169-213-4 , Education / Re-Education / Re_Re-Education. Lutz Dammbeck. Films 1979-2003, pp. 8th ff . (104 pp.).
  11. Lutz Dammbeck. DEFA filmography. In: DEFA Foundation. Retrieved March 17, 2020 .
  12. a b Inka Schube: Re_Re-Education. Lutz Dammbeck. Films 1979-2003 . Catalog for the exhibition from May 19 to September 26, 2010. Ed .: Inka Schube. Sprengel Museum Hannover, Hannover 2010, ISBN 978-3-89169-213-4 , Education / Re-Education / Re_Re-Education. Lutz Dammbeck. Films 1979-2003, pp. 15 (104 pp.).
  13. Radek Krolczyk: Heiner Müller-Admirers: In the fight against an old order . In: The daily newspaper: taz . June 18, 2015, ISSN  0931-9085 ( [accessed on March 17, 2020]).
  14. PM: Lutz Dammbeck's Herakles concept in the Museum of Fine Arts. In: Leipziger Volkszeitung. May 10, 2016, accessed March 17, 2020 .
  15. Lutz Dammbeck. In: Goethe-Institut Japan. September 2017, accessed March 17, 2020 .
  16. ^ Lutz Dammbeck: Herakles concept . Verlag der Kunst G + B Fine Arts Verlag GmbH, Amsterdam 1997, ISBN 90-5705-072-2 , "... alone in the battle with the animal!", P. 37 (159 pp.).
  17. Jens Kassner: Three weeks state of emergency. In: Friday. January 26, 2015, accessed March 18, 2020 .
  18. ^ Marion Pietrzok: Stubborn. In: New Germany. June 4, 2005, accessed March 18, 2020 .
  19. ^ Members of the Free Academy of Arts in Hamburg. In:, accessed on June 5, 2016 .