Gil Schlesinger

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Gil Schlesinger (born March 25, 1931 in Ústí nad Labem (Aussig), Czechoslovakia ) is a German painter and graphic artist .


As a racially persecuted person, Gil Schlesinger was forced to go underground from 1942 to 1945. From 1948 on he lived in Israel . He worked in various professions and had contact with intellectuals and painters (including Jehuda Bacon ). In 1955 he moved to the GDR , where he initially worked in a shoe factory. From 1960 to 1962 he attended the Leipzig Technical School for Applied Arts (teachers Kurt Hölzer and Gerhard Eichhorn ) with a degree in theater painting . Until 1967 he had jobs as a theater painter in Anklam , Dessau , Meiningen and Leipzig . In 1968 he was accepted into the Association of Visual Artists of the GDR . Since then he has lived and worked freelance in Leipzig.

In 1980 he moved to Munich . There he became a member of the Association of Visual Artists / Munich and Upper Bavaria in 1985. Since 1992 he has been an honorary member of the Association of Visual Artists in Leipzig, and since 1994 a member of the Free Academy of the Arts in Leipzig . In 1999 he moved to Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm .

Work and effect

Gil Schlesinger's work developed from sources of classical modernism . He brought the freedoms of abstraction into the art image of the 1960s and 1970s, which was determined by dogmatic rigor, in Leipzig. His lyrical and often strongly colored pictures, drawings, graphics and collages had a formative influence on young, searching autodidacts who reject the one-sided art concept of the GDR, such as students at the Leipzig Art Academy. Berlin, Rostock, Erfurt and Chemnitz artists sought his proximity. With unconventional materials, such as unprimed sackcloth, used tissue paper , and collages made from found objects, he stimulated and at the same time encouraged discussion. His intellectual freedom allowed him openness and courage in political terms too. So he became a kind of "father figure" in the alternative Leipzig art scene. This effect still lingered after he had long since left the GDR: Artists from the " 1st Leipzig Autumn Salon 1984 " were among his circle.

Extensive cycles have been created since 1980 (including the Arab cycle, Divine Comedy, Trumpet Pictures, Brandenburg Gates). Metaphors about the story manifested themselves in large formats made with ashes and earth.

The graphic work created from the beginning of his artistic work includes a large number of drawings, hand-printed woodcuts and screen prints.

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1970: Gallery on the 1st floor (with half board dog) Dependence of the Moritzburg State Gallery, Halle / Saale
  • 1972: Catholic Church, Frankfurt (Oder)
  • 1978: Galerie Nord, Dresden
  • 1979: Galerie Jürgen Schweinbraden, Berlin (East); Gallery “Clara Mosch”, Karl-Marx-Stadt
  • 1980: Gallery "Arkade", Berlin (catalog)
  • 1983: Goethe-Institut, Lille / France
  • 1984: Grafiek-Centrum, Haarlem / Netherlands; Galerie RAAB, Berlin (West) (catalog)
  • 1985: Galerie Leger, Munich (catalog)
  • 1988/90: Galerie '88, Hanau
  • 1991: State Lindenau Museum , Altenburg (catalog)
  • 1992: Preussen Elektra, Hanover; Art Association Jena , Jena; Gallery at Sachsenplatz , Leipzig
  • 1993: ART Frankfurt (Galerie '88, Hanau); One Man Show, Frankfurt / Main
  • 1995: Museum of Young Art Frankfurt (Oder)
  • 1999: Galerie Leipziger Hof, Leipzig
  • 2001: Kunstverein Herzattacke, Berlin (catalog)
  • 2010: Marienkirche , Gelnhausen
  • 2011: Galerie im Quellenhof, Garbisdorf (catalog); “Ars videndi” gallery, Pfaffenhofen / Ilm; Ariowitsch House, Leipzig (catalog); Hofkunst Gallery, Loipfing; Galerie '88 (Nickel Eiding firm), Hanau
  • 2013: Gallery of Waldenburg, Waldenburg
  • 2015: Art Association, Wernigerode
  • 2017: Galerie von Waldenburg (Object40), Berlin (with Karl-Heinz Adler and Christian Roeckenschuss)
  • 2018: Museum of Fine Arts Leipzig

Plant locations (selection)

Portfolio works and participation in artist books (selection)

  • Gil Schlesinger - woodcuts, Edition Schloss Röderhof 1991
  • "Common Sense" (lithography) Edition Augenweide, Bernburg 1990
  • "Uniformity of Unrest" (screen print) Edition Balance, Berlin 1991
  • "Dschamp Nr. 3", Edition temporary gallery, Berlin 1994
  • Gil Schlesinger (screen prints) / Walter Petri (texts) - "Dschamp No. 9", Berlin 1995, Edition Galerie auf Zeit Berlin 1995
  • "Common Sense" (woodcut) Edition Augenweide, Bernburg 1995
  • "The Color Black" / (woodcut) Edition Augenweide, Bernburg 1999
  • "Herzattacke II" (screen print), Edition Herzattacke, Berlin 2001


  • 1978: Mogollon Prize (alternative art prize in the former GDR)
  • 1981: "Berge'81", Munich
  • 2001: Special prize from the Saxon Print Graphics Symposium

Literature (selection)

  • Werner, Klaus: Catalog for the Gil Schlesinger exhibition, Galerie Arkade, Berlin 1980
  • Schmidt, Werner in: Catalog for the exhibition “Ausgebürgert”, pp. 65/174, Berlin and Dresden 1990, ISBN 3-87024-160-8
  • PreussenElektra, Ed .: Gil Schlesinger, catalog for the exhibition in the State Lindenau Museum Altenburg and for a series of exhibitions by PreussenElektra, Hanau 1991
  • Günther, Thomas: Departure in the Brightness, Gil Schlesinger - A portrait, in: Neue Bildende Kunst, Berlin, issue 3/1995, p. 58ff. ISSN  0941-6501
  • Hoch, Susann, in: Lust und Last - Leipziger Kunst since 1945, Nuremberg, Berlin 1997, p. 380f. ISBN 3-89322-907-8
  • Hilbig, Wolfgang: "Black Light", catalog for the Gil Schlesinger exhibition at the Kunstverein Herzattacke, Berlin 2001
  • The Brockhaus in 3 volumes, vol. 3 / p. 312, Leipzig / Augsburg 2005 ISBN 3-76-53-0096-9
  • Hans Hendrik Grimmling, in: The re-education of birds, p. 154ff., Halle / Saale 2008 ISBN 978-3-89812-543-7
  • Lichtenstein, Günter and Hollman, Eckhard: Painted poetry - Gil Schlesinger for his 80th birthday (Göpfersdorfer Kunstblätter 5), Altenburg 2011 ISBN 978-3-937940-75-5
  • Rohne, Cornelia: Gil Schlesinger painting, catalog for the exhibition in the Ariowitsch House, Leipzig 2011
  • Tauscher, Sabine (Ed.) Galerie von Waldenburg, Gil Schlesinger Werke 1961-2016, Berlin 2016 ISBN 978-3-942106-49-8

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jewelery design Cornelia Rohne, Munich; Drawings Gil Schlesinger

Web links