Friedrich Bechina

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Friedrich Bechina FSO (born November 6, 1966 in Vienna ) is an Austrian Roman Catholic religious priest and curia official . Bechina is considered the most prominent expert of the Roman Curia on international university policy.


Friedrich Bechina comes from a Viennese family of lawyers and ministerial officials . He was a professional officer in the Austrian army and studied economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and Catholic theology at the University of Vienna before joining the spiritual family “Das Werk” (FSO) in 1991 , an order- like spiritual community . In 1996 he was at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome for Doctor of theology doctorate . His doctoral thesis was awarded the University's Robert Bellarmin Prize in 1997 “for the best theological dissertation of 1996 at the Gregoriana”. In 1997 he received the sacrament of ordination . Until 2001 he was chaplain in the parish of St. Sebastian in Gisingen under the parish priest Armin Michler (1920–2005), who officiated in Gisingen from 1970 to 2002 and handed over the parish to the FSO.

Since 2001, Bechina has worked for the Congregation for Catholic Education . Until 2005 he was responsible for the training of priests, the Catholic school and higher education system in the German-speaking area and Catholic universities in Eastern Europe. From 2005 he built up the new department of his dicastery for international university cooperation, educational reform, questions of state church law and public relations, which he took over as head. In this function he represented the Holy See in higher education policy at international organizations such as UNESCO or the Council of Europe and coordinated the connection of the papal higher education system to the Bologna Process . In 2009 he became a board member of the international agency AVEPRO of the Holy See, which was founded in 2007 within the Congregation for Education, for quality promotion and quality assurance at church universities and faculties. In the same year, Pope Benedict XVI. the area for international cooperation of the Education Congregation, which was largely led by Bechina, had essential competencies that were previously part of the Vatican State Secretariat .

Bechina is an elected member of the Council of Europe Steering Committee for Higher Education and Research (CD-ESR) in 2010/11 .

Pope Benedict XVI appointed Bechina as Undersecretary of the Congregation for Education on February 15, 2013 .

Publications (selection)

  • The Church as "the family of God". The position of this theological concept in the Second Vatican Council and in the Synods of Bishops from 1974 to 1994 with regard to a “Famila-Dei-Ecclesiology” (= Analecta Gregoriana , Volume 272). Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome 1998, ISBN 88-7652-776-1 (also dissertation, Rome 1996). Review: Lothar Lies SJ , in: ZKTh 127 (2005), pp. 101-104.
  • On the way to a quality culture. Church university studies facing the challenges of an “Audit Society”. In: ET Studies 3 (2012), Heft 2, pp. 211-234.
  • as co-author and editor with Zenon Grocholewski , Ludger Müller , Martin Krutzler OCist : Catholic-theological faculties between "autonomy" of the university and church ties. Be & Be-Verlag, Heiligenkreuz 2013, ISBN 978-3-902694-65-2 .
  • Church higher education studies facing the challenges of current developments in international higher education policy. In: Marek Jędraszewski, Jan Zbigniew Słowiński (eds.): Quod iustum est et aequum. Scritti in onore del Cardinale Zenone Grocholewski per il cinquantesimo di sacerdozio (Festschrift Zenon Grocholewski). Archdiocese of Poznań, Poznań 2013, pp. 300–325.
  • University theology in the field of tension between church and social expectations today. In: Gerhard Krieger (Ed.): On the future of theology in church, university and society (= Quaestiones Disputatae , Volume 283). Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2017, ISBN 978-3-451-02283-8 , pp. 41-106.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Lecturer on Bologna Day 2014, March 24, 2014, Vienna University of Economics and Business (PDF; 590 kB). Brief profile of the speakers, pp. 1–2.
  2. a b Short profile on the AVEPRO website, accessed in May 2020.
  3. a b Short biography (PDF; 431 kB) in the press kit for the ET Congress 2011, organized by Sigrid Müller at the University of Vienna.
  4. Friedrich Bechina: The Church as "Family of God" ( Premio Bellarmino 1997 ). Rome 1998, p. II (foreword).
  5. Parish history - at a glance. Website of the parish of St. Sebastian in Feldkirch-Gisingen, accessed in May 2020.
  6. ^ Friedrich Bechina: University theology in the field of tension between church and social expectations today (QD 283). Freiburg i. B. 2017, p. 58f.
  7. ^ Nomina del Sotto-Segretario della Congregazione per l'Educazione Cattolica , in: Holy See Press Office : Daily Bulletin of February 15, 2013.