Friedrich Gerdes (legal scholar)

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Friedrich Gerdes

Friedrich Gerdes (born October 15, 1634 in Greifswald ; † December 10, 1695 there ) was a German professor of law.


Friedrich Gerdes was the son of the lawyer and later mayor of Greifswald, Henning Gerdes (1591–1663), and the sister Elisabeth of the lawyer David Mevius . He first received private lessons from Joachim Rosenow , and later he attended the city high school.

In 1653 Gerdes began studying law at the University of Rostock and continued it from 1655 with Johann Pommeresche in Greifswald . Then he went to the University of Helmstedt . In 1658 he fled from here to Leipzig and Wittenberg from the plague .

He accompanied his uncle David Mevius on a legation trip to the courts of Braunschweig-Lüneburg and Hessen-Kassel .

In 1661, at the suggestion of his uncle, the law faculty of the University of Greifswald appointed Gerdes as a substitute for a professorship. In 1664 he received a full professorship.

In 1669 Gerdes became assessor, then in 1679 director of the Greifswald consistory . In 1688 he was appointed to the visitation commission for the Wismar upper tribunal , in which he had the decisive vote.

Friedrich Gerdes was married to Anna Erich, daughter of the Greifswald professor Joachim Erich, and is the father of Philipp Balthasar Gerdes (1680–1736).

His sister Anna was married to Gualter von Greiggenschildt .

See also


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Enrollment of Friedrich Gerdes in the Rostock matriculation portal

Web links

predecessor Office successor
Johannes Michaelis Rector of the University of Greifswald
Christoph Helwig senior
Augustine Balthasar Rector of the University of Greifswald
Matthaeus Clemasius
Conrad Tiburtius Rango Rector of the University of Greifswald
Johann Gerdes