Johann Pommeresch

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Johann Pommeresch

Johann Pommeresch , also Johann Pommeresche (born June 29, 1624 in Greifswald , † January 24, 1689 in Lübeck ) was a German professor of law.


Johann Pommeresch was the son of the Pomeranian court attorney Heinrich Pommeresch from a Möllner council family and Emerentia Levenstohn from the Livingstone / Murray family originally based in Edinburgh . His father died in 1630. The boy was taken in by his brother-in-law Andreas Helwig , the rector of the Stralsund grammar school . At the age of ten it was handed over to Professor Peter Lauremberg from Rostock , who soon died, so that Johann was accepted into the house of his cousin, Professor Franz Stypmann from Greifswald , and attended the Greifswald city school from 1638 to 1640 .

Johann Pommeresch went to Rostock University in August 1643 to study law, but soon returned to Greifswald to teach the nephew Baron von Erskeins as a private tutor . In 1647 he taught law at the Danzig grammar school . He broke off an educational trip to the Netherlands in 1650 to take over the professorship of his teacher Stypmann in Greifswald.

He received his PhD in 1651 for licentiate and a year later the doctor of law . In the same year he married Sophia Eleonora Braun-Johannis († 1672). In 1674 he married Anna Joel († 1684).

In 1660 Pommeresch became consistorial assessor, in 1668 director of the Greifswald consistory . He was in the favor of Queen Christina , from whom he received the general advocate and the Oberland judiciary for her Pomeranian domains.

In 1678 Pommeresch became court teacher of Prince Carl von Mecklenburg-Strelitz in Güstrow . Seven months later he took up the post of First Syndic of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck .

After the funeral service in Lübeck, he was buried in his family's hereditary funeral in St. Nikolai Cathedral (Greifswald) .

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Martin Bethe: The Scottish Company in Greifswald 1590–1676. In: Our Pommerland . 20th year, 1935 issue 7/8, pp. 335–339. Full text based on a copy by G. Wöhner (2005)
  2. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  3. Sorrowful sighs / As the high noble / Veste and highly learned Mr. Johannes Pomereschius, famous ICtus, by the local king. University of the Antecessor previously been ... After his holy farewell / was January 24, 1689. Christl paid from there / to in Lübeck. Ceremony / brought to Greiffswald / and there the 14th Maji of this 1689th year ... was buried in his inheritance burial in St. Nicolai churches. To attest to your duty forwarded by the student cooperative there , Greiffswald, Starcke, 1689. "
predecessor Office successor
Johann Beringe Rector of the University of Greifswald
Johannes Heune
predecessor Office successor
Matthew Tabbert Rector of the University of Greifswald
Johannes Heun
predecessor Office successor
Albert Vogt Rector of the University of Greifswald
Christoph Helwig