Friedrich Giese (Orientalist)

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Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Giese (born December 11, 1870 in Stargard in Pomerania , † October 19, 1944 in Eichwalde ) was a German linguist and orientalist ( Turkologist ).


Friedrich Giese was born on December 11, 1870 in Stargard (Western Pomerania) as the son of the senior telegraph assistant Albert Giese and Marie Hofmann. In 1900 he married his wife Margarete (1872–1960, daughter of the businessman Ernst Meinke and Therese Medenwaldt), who gave birth to two daughters.


Giese studied theology and oriental philology in Greifswald . With the dissertationInvestigations into the 'Aḍdād on the basis of places in altarab. Poets ”he was named Dr. phil. PhD . With the state examination he completed his studies in 1899 - especially with Theodor Nöldeke .

Scientific work

At the suggestion of Georg Jacob , he turned his main interest to Turkish . In September 1899, Giese accepted an appointment at the German Realschule in Constantinople , where he practically expanded his knowledge of Turkish as a senior teacher until 1905. There he made the acquaintance of Mehmed Emin , whose poems, written in vernacular, inspired Giese. Over the course of his six-year stay in Turkey, he collected and documented numerous songs and stories in Anatolian dialects of Turkish, sometimes with the help of a phonograph , for which he was also able to use his extensive travels - primarily in the Vilayet Konya . As a senior high school teacher and private lecturer for oriental languages ​​at the University of Greifswald, he edited the journal articles on the study of Turkish language and literature together with the Hungarian Ignácz Kúnos . In the first volume he published in 1907 the material that he had gathered in July 1902 in a prison in Konya and in July and August 1904 under the Yörük of the "Sultandagh bei Akschehir" (Sultandağı bei Akşehir ), where he spent a long time with the Yörük -Tribe of Kızılışıklı , Çakal , Horzum and Sarıkeçili had lived.

From 1907 to 1914 he taught as a professor at the Seminar for Oriental Languages in Berlin. During this time he concentrated his professional occupation on researching the early Ottoman history, which he saw as his life's work.

From 1920 to 1936 he achieved outstanding achievements in Ottoman source studies at the University of Breslau , where he became a full professor in 1928, by showing problems and possible solutions for the same. From 1921 to 1925 he published the anonymus Giese named after him as a text and a translation. From his publication of the Ašiqpašazāde in 1929 to the treatise on its various text reviews in 1936, Giese persistently pursued the goal of uncovering knowledge about the origin of the Ottoman Empire by comparing the sources. As a result of the text analysis, he destroyed some historical legends and was able to clear up individual questions of Ottoman history. His Turkish fairy tales in the series The fairy tales of world literature were widely used in 1925 .


  • Türk elsine ve tāʾrīḫine dāʾir baʿẕϊ yeñi alman nešrīyātϊ [German: Some new German publications on the Turkic languages ​​and their history ], Dār-ül-fünūn Edebīyat Fakänei Meğmūʿasϊ, Volume 1, 1916–1917, pp. 286–294.
  • Ṭūrfān ḥafrīyātϊ ve bu ḥafrīyātϊn turk tāʾrīḫ ve medenīyetine müteʿallϊk netāīği [ Eng .: The Turfan excavations and the results of these excavations in relation to Turkish history and civilization ], Dār-ül-fünmūnʿasīyğ, 19Fakulat 1, 19 Pp. 537-546.


Single receipts

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Gotthard Jäschke:  Giese, Friedrich. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 6, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1964, ISBN 3-428-00187-7 , p. 377 ( digitized version ).
  2. a b c Friedrich Giese (Ed.): Materials for the knowledge of Anatolian Turkish - Part 1 - Stories and songs from the Vilajet Qonjah - Collected . Edited in: transcription, with annotations and a translation of the songs . S. 1–126, In: I. Kúnos and Fr. Giese (Ed.): Contributions to the study of the Turkish language and literature . Volume 1, main, hall a. S. & New York 1907, pp. 2f.
  3. F. Giese (ed.). In: I. Kúnos and Fr. Giese (eds.): Contributions to the study of the Turkish language and literature . Volume 1, main, hall a. S. & New York 1907, pp. 1, 3.
  4. F. Giese (ed.). In: I. Kúnos and Fr. Giese (eds.): Contributions to the study of the Turkish language and literature . Volume 1, main, hall a. S. & New York 1907, p. 3.
  5. ^ A b Anonymus: Supplements and corrections . In: The world of Islam . Volume 23, (1/2), 1941, pp. 89-91, Stable URL: 3ANUB% 3E2.0.CO% 3B2-V , p. 90, with reference to Ziyaeddin Fahri, in: Tasviri Efkâr, July 25, 1941; and in: İs, Volume 28
  6. ^ Klaus Kreiser: Gotthard Jäschke (1894–1983): From Islamic Studies to Foreign Studies . In: The world of Islam . NS, Volume 38, (3), The Early Twentieth Century and Its Impact on Oriental and Turkish Studies , Leiden 1998, pp. 406-423, Stable URL: 2539% 28199811% 292% 3A38% 3A3% 3C406% 3AGJ% 28VDI% 3E2.0.CO% 3B2-P , p. 407, footnote 5.

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