Friedrich Helmholz

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Friedrich Helmholz (born October 18, 1821 in Gronau , † September 22, 1890 in Hanover ) was a German carpenter and piano maker .


After his apprenticeship as a carpenter, Friedrich Helmholz traveled through the Kingdom of Hanover as a journeyman and came to Hanover in the revolutionary year of 1848 . After a job, he acquired musical knowledge in his free periods and learned to play the piano.

After he founded his own carpentry workshop in Leinstrasse in 1851 , he began building pianos, which were soon in great demand due to their quality. Although he initially traded as an “instrument maker” and tuner , he called his company “Pianofortefabrik” from 1864, in which he employed a foreman and 19 assistants in the so-called founding years, for example in 1874.

After 1876 Helmholz maintained "in splendid showrooms" in the Brunswick Street an extensive warehouse with wings , upright pianos , harmonies and Asiaphonien other manufacturers and brands. In addition, he operated a piano rental and instrument transport.

In the meantime, Helmholz had been awarded the title of purveyor to the court of Prince Schaumburg-Lippi .

Almost half a century after Friedrich Helmholz's death, the continued company still existed at the beginning of the Third Reich , but was last mentioned in the address book of the city of Hanover in 1934 .


  • Silver exhibition medal


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Waldemar R. Röhrbein: HELMHOLZ ... (see literature)
  2. Note: In deviation from this, the date of death 26 March 1896 is also mentioned; compare the information under the GND number of the German National Library
  3. a b c Waldemar R. Röhrbein: Helmholz ... (see literature)
  4. Dirk Böttcher: Hannoversches Biographisches Lexikon: From the beginnings to the present , p. 162. Retrieved on August 25, 2013 .
  5. ^ Emil Breslaur , Anna Morsch : Musikpädagogische Blatter : Zentralblatt fur das total musical teaching, volumes 3-4, 1880, p. 201 online