Friedrich Joseph Bürli

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Friedrich Joseph Bürli (born May 28, 1813 in Baden , † July 2, 1889 in Hottingen ; resident in Baden) was a Swiss politician . From 1858 to 1860 and from 1864 to 1866 he represented the canton of Aargau in the Council of States ; he was also mayor of Baden and a national councilor .


Bürli graduated from the canton school in Aarau , then studied law at the universities of Heidelberg and Munich . From 1837 he worked as a lawyer, from 1842 to 1844 as council clerk for the canton of Aargau. He was a radical liberal and fought against the Jesuits . In 1845 he was temporarily taken prisoner during the second free march. After Bürli had campaigned for the construction of the Swiss Northern Railway , the first railway line in Switzerland, he was a member of the Baden city ​​council from 1847 . In 1853 he was elected mayor of the city . During his term of office, which lasted until 1862, the schoolhouse (today's district building ) was built by the architect Robert Moser .

In 1852 Bürli was also elected to the Grand Council , to which he belonged until 1880 (as President in 1860, 1869 and 1875). The canton parliament appointed him twice as a representative of Aargau in the Council of States , from 1858 to 1860 and from 1864 to 1866. He was a member of the National Council three times (1860–1863, 1866–1869 and 1870–1872). In parliament he was considered a leader of the left wing of the liberals.

Bürli's political focus was railway construction. He was an avid supporter of the Swiss National Railways (SNB); from 1873 he was a member of their board of directors, from 1875 he was president of the board. He also campaigned for the construction of the Bözberg route . Due to the bankruptcy and the subsequent liquidation of the SNB in ​​1878, Bürli lost most of his assets. A little later his only son and his wife died. He spent the rest of his life in seclusion with relatives.


  • Biographical Lexicon of the Canton of Aargau 1803–1957 . In: Historical Society of the Canton of Aargau (Ed.): Argovia . tape 68/69 . Verlag Sauerländer, Aarau 1958, p. 128-129 .

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