Friedrich Reitlinger

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Friedrich "Fritz" Reitlinger (born June 23, 1877 in Vienna ; † March 14, 1938 in Jenbach , Tyrol ) was an Austrian industrialist and economic functionary.


Friedrich Reitlinger was born in Vienna as the son of the Jewish businessman Julius Reitlinger (1843–1916). His father, originally from Ichenhausen / Bavaria, had moved with his brother Theodor (1845–1917) from Paris to Vienna a few years earlier. In 1874 Julius Reitlinger married the entrepreneur's daughter Clothilde von Frankfurter (* 1857) in Vienna. Friedrich had a younger brother, Rudolf Reitlinger (* 1880) and two sisters, Valerie (* 1878) and Eugenie (* 1884). The British historian, archaeologist and author Gerald Reitlinger was his cousin.

Friedrich Reitlinger attended the secondary school in Brno and in 1900 passed the state examination for mining at the mining college in Příbram .

On January 20, 1906, according to the Jewish rite in Vienna, he married the wealthy widow to Ludwig Wesel, Jolantha Jakobovits. Their daughter Johanna Edith was born on June 28, 1906. On June 8, 1917, their son Friedrich Franz, called "Freddy", was born. Soon after, the marriage should have broken up.

Although Friedrich Reitlinger converted to Catholicism in 1917 , he was repeatedly exposed to anti-Semitic hostility due to his Jewish origins. These increased particularly after 1933, when the National Socialists came to power in Germany.

In 1935 he became a key witness in the so-called "Rintelen Trial", in which the former minister Anton Rintelen was accused of masterminding the 1934 July coup . Shortly before the “ Anschluss ” in March 1938, Friedrich Reitlinger and his daughter were detained by the National Socialists in their house in Jenbach. Since he was seriously ill and unable to be transported, Friedrich Reitlinger apparently asked his daughter to shoot him. According to the police protocol, this was then resolved by itself. To this day, rumors in the village that Friedrich Reitlinger and his daughter were murdered have not stopped. There is no evidence of this. His son survived this drama as he was in France at the time of the crime.

Economic activities

From 1900 Friedrich Reitlinger worked as operations manager for the Jenbacher Berg- und Hüttenwerke . In 1881 his father Julius and his uncle Theodor bought this work from the “Salzburgisch-Tiroler-Montangesellschaft” for 75,000 guilders. In 1907, Theodor Reitlinger left the company and Julius Reitlinger was the sole owner from then on. In 1914 Friedrich Reitlinger took over the company, which finally passed into his possession in 1917 after the death of his father. After the death of Friedrich Reitlinger, his property including the factory in Jenbach was initially confiscated in favor of the “State of Tyrol” and then Aryanized to Ernst Heinkel . He modernized the plant from 1939 and converted it into a company that produced aircraft parts. After the end of the Second World War, Friedrich Reitlinger's son tried in vain to get the business back. Reitlinger junior received the restitution of the private property, but not the company. This company later became known as Jenbacher Werke and has developed into one of the leading manufacturers of gas engines and combined heat and power units. Since 2018 the company has been owned by the Advent investor group under the name " innio Jenbacher " .

Economic policy

Friedrich Reitlinger acted a. a. from 1917 to 1935 as President of the Tyrolean Industrial Association , from 1920 to 1935 as Vice President of the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce ; from 1924 to 1936 he was a member of the mining section of the Chamber of Engineers for Tyrol and Vorarlberg. From 1927 to 1934 he acted as vice president and member of the board of directors of the main bank for Tyrol and Vorarlberg. In December 1927 Friedrich Reitlinger founded the first Rotary Club outside Vienna in Innsbruck , which soon became the social center of Tyrol.


  • Wolfgang Meixner : "Aryanization" of Tyrolean industry using the example of the Jenbacher Berg- und Hüttenwerke as well as the Plansee metal works . In: Austria in history and literature with geography 45 . No. 5/6 , 2001, p. 313-329 .
  • Wolfgang Meixner : Ing.Friedrich Reitlinger (1877–1938) . Industrial and economic functionary in Tyrol between Heimwehr and National Socialism. In: Contemporary History 29 . No. 4 , 2002, p. 191-201 .
  • Wolfgang Meixner : "Aryanization" of a Tyrolean industrial company . Jenbacher Berg- und Hüttenwerke Th. & J. Reitlinger. In: History and Region / Storia e regione 8 . 1999, p. 143-198 .

Individual evidence

  1. Georg Gaugusch : Who once was. The upper Jewish bourgeoisie in Vienna 1800–1938 . Volume 2: '' L – R ''. Amalthea, Vienna 2016, ISBN 978-3-85002-773-1 , pp. 2899 and 2902.
  2. Wolfgang Meixner : "Aryanization" of the Tyrolean industry using the example of the Jenbacher Berg- und Hüttenwerke as well as the Metallwerk Plansee , in: Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur mit Geographie 45 (2001) issue 5/6, p. 313–329, here p. 316-317.
  3. ^ Wolfgang Meixner : "Aryanization" of a Tyrolean industrial company. Jenbacher Berg- und Hüttenwerke Th. & J. Reitlinger , in: Faschismus in der Provinz - Fascismo in provincia. History and Region / Storia e regione 8/1999 - anno VIII 1999. Journal of the Regional History Working Group, Bozen, pp. 143–198.
  4. Wolfgang Meixner : Expropriations of Austrian industrial companies during the Nazi era and internal innovation , in: Rupert Pichler (ed.), Innovation Patterns in Austrian Economic History. Economic development, companies, politics and innovation behavior, Innsbruck-Vienna-Munich-Bozen 2003, pp. 155–169.
  5. The history of restitution has not yet been scientifically processed. First approaches to this with Wolfgang Meixner : "Aryanization" of a Tyrolean industrial company. Jenbacher Berg- und Hüttenwerke Th. & J. Reitlinger , in: Faschismus in der Provinz - Fascismo in provincia. History and Region / Storia e regione 8/1999 - anno VIII 1999. Journal of the Regional History Working Group, Bozen, pp. 143–198, here pp. 194–195 as well as Wolfgang Meixner : "Aryanization" of Tyrolean industry using the example of Jenbacher Berg- und Hüttenwerke as well as the Metallwerk Plansee , in: Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur mit Geographie 45 (2001) Issue 5/6, p. 321.
  6. Wolfgang Meixner : Ing.Friedrich Reitlinger (1877-1938). Industrial and economic functionary in Tyrol between Heimwehr and National Socialism , in: Zeitgeschichte (2002), issue 4, pp. 191–201.