Friedrich Wilhelm Seiffer

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Friedrich Wilhelm Seiffer

Friedrich Wilhelm Seiffer (born April 18, 1872 in Stuttgart , † November 30, 1917 in Wiesbaden ) was a German psychiatrist and neurologist.


Seiffer attended high school in Ulm . After the Matura examination (1890) he studied medicine at the Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität Strasbourg , where he received his doctorate in 1895. med. PhD. In the same year he went to Berlin and worked as an assistant at a private mental hospital in Pankow . From 1896 he was assistant to Julius Eduard Hitzig at the psychiatric clinic in Halle (Saale) , from 1899 then assistant (later senior physician) at the psychiatric clinic of the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin in the Kgl. Charité under Friedrich Jolly , after his death in 1904 under Theodor Draw . After his habilitation in 1901, he also taught as a private lecturer at Berlin University. In 1906 he became adjunct professor there . He died in Wiesbaden on November 30, 1917.

The Rydel-Seiffersche tuning fork

The Rydel-und-Seiffer vibration fork, named after Adam Rydel and Seiffer, for testing vibration sensitivity is still in use today. The instrument was proposed in a publication by the two authors from 1903.


  • Disorders of the organ of vision caused by diseases of the frontal sinuses. Inaugural dissertation of the medical faculty of the Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität Strasbourg to obtain the doctorate . Göller, Strasbourg i. E. 1895
  • (as editor and translator) Henry Head : The skin sensitivity disorders in visceral diseases . August Hirschwald, Berlin 1898 (Foreword by Prof. Julius Eduard Hitzig) = German version of: On the disturbances of sensation, with special reference to the pain of visceral disease . Oxford, 1893
  • Spinal sensitivity scheme for segment diagnosis of spinal cord diseases for drawing in the findings at the bedside . August Hirschwald, Berlin 1901 (4th edition 1917)
  • Atlas and outline of the general diagnosis and therapy of nervous diseases . Lehmann, Munich, 1902 (Lehmann's medicinische Handatlanten, Vol. 29.) Foreword by Prof. Friedrich Jolly
    • an Italian translation appeared in 1904 ( Atlante… delle malattie nervose )
  • (with A. Rydel) Investigations into the feeling of vibration or the so-called "bone sensitivity" (pallesthesia) . In: Archive for Psychiatry and Nervous Diseases , 37 (1903), pp. 487-536.
  • About the tumors of the cerebellum and the posterior fossa . Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin 1907 ( Medical Clinic 3.1)


  • Emil Joseph Lehmacher and Michael Berger: The history of the Rydel-Seifferschen tuning fork . Kirchheim, Mainz 1992, ISBN 3-87409-059-0 (Diss. University of Düsseldorf, 1992)

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Individual evidence

  1. Berlin clinical weekly publication 54, p. 1212, 1917