Friedrich von Alten (District Administrator)

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Friedrich von Alten (born July 13, 1888 in Groß Strehlitz , Province of Silesia , † July 20, 1944 in Landsberg an der Warthe ) was a German administrative lawyer.


As the son of District Administrator Viktor von Alten (1854–1917), Friedrich von Alten attended the Royal High School in Groß Strelitz. After graduating from high school, he enrolled in the summer semester (SS) 1907 for law at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . For the following winter semester (WS) he went to the Eberhard-Karls-Universität . On March 4, 1908, he was reciprocated in his father's corps Borussia Tübingen . In the winter semester of 1908/09 he moved to the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . He was at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen from SS 1909 to WS 1910/11 and passed the trainee examination in 1911. As a lieutenant in the reserve and a department adjutant, he went to the First World War in 1914 . As a battery leader on the Western Front , he was wounded twice. After demobilization he continued his preparatory service and passed the assessor examination in 1920. After the exam as a government assessor , he came to the government in Wroclaw . In 1922 he was appointed to the government council.

In the time of National Socialism he was district administrator in Silesia , Sudetenland and Neumark from 1933 to 1944 , namely in Groß Strelitz (1933/34), Hirschberg (1933–1937), Aussig (1938/39, come) and Landsberg (1937-1944). When he was to be questioned or arrested by the Secret State Police on the day of the assassination attempt on July 20, 1944 , he committed suicide. He was married to Annemarie born in 1920. Greinert.


See also

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 126/327.
  2. Landsberg ad Warthe district (
  3. release from Hermann Woothke in the personnel records of the Corps Borussia Tübingen.