Friedrich von Grafeneck

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Friedrich von Grafeneck was bishop of Augsburg from 1413 to 1414 .


On July 5, 1412, King Sigismund entrusted him and others with the administration of imperial business in Lombardy.

By 1413 at the latest, Friedrich (Hungarian: Frigyes) von Grafeneck was abbot of the Benedictine monastery Seksard in the diocese of Fünfkirchen in Hungary .

After the death of Augsburg bishop Eberhard II von Kirchberg in August 1413, he was appointed by King Sigmund as the new bishop of Augsburg, contrary to the election of the cathedral chapter . The cathedral chapter of Augsburg had chosen the cathedral sexton Anselm von Nenningen as the new bishop. On September 24, 1413, antipope John XXIII. The institution. His ordination as bishop of Augsburg dated August 12, 1414. From the antipope Johannes XXIII. he was transferred to the diocese of Brandenburg on September 24, 1414 . Friedrich von Grafeneck did not accept the new commission and stayed in Augsburg. Despite the appointment of Anselm von Nenningen on September 17, 1414 as the new bishop of Augsburg, he remained active as bishop in Augsburg until October 3, 1418. Together with King Sigismund, he did not leave Augsburg until October 16, 1418. He went back to his Hungarian abbey.

On March 29, 1420 he was transferred again to the diocese of Brandenburg. The then bishop Johann von Waldow was transferred to the diocese of Lebus on the same day . This time too, Friedrich von Grafeneck did not accept the commission. In 1421 he was once named Bishop of Fünfkirchen, but was not legally installed. A Hungarian website states that he was abbot of Seksard from 1413 to 1426.

The date and place of his death are unknown.


  • Gustav Abb , Gottfried Wentz : The Diocese of Brandenburg. First part. ( Germania Sacra AF 1st department, 1st volume) Berlin, Leipzig, 1929 ( online ).
  • Friedrich Zoepfl: The diocese of Augsburg and its bishops in the Middle Ages . 1955, p. 379f. and more often
  • Helmut Lausser: The gentlemen from Grafeneck. Your activities, goods and family relationships in the area around the Dillingen district . In: Jahrbuch des Historisches Verein Dillingen an der Donau 94 (1992), pp. 73–186, here pp. 85–89 with images of seals ( Augsburg University Library ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. .
  2. Chronicon Elwacense, : "abbatem Saxardinensem".
  3. p. 119.
  4. .
predecessor Office successor
Eberhard II of Kirchberg Bishop of Augsburg
Anselm von Nenningen