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Froxlor dashboard de.png
Web-based administration tool for Linux operating systems
Basic data

developer Froxlor
Current  version 0.10.15
(March 08, 2020)
operating system Linux / Unix
programming language PHP
category Administration tool
License GPLv2 ( Free Software )
German speaking Yes

Froxlor is a multilingual server management panel for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who want to provide their customers with a web interface to manage email addresses, domains , FTP and more.


The project emerged from the SysCP project and was founded as a fork on February 1, 2010 by former members of the SysCP team . The developers are still following the principle of providing high-performance software that is both freely available and meets individual system requirements. The program code is open source and published under the GNU GPL 2.0 license .

In contrast to the frozen SysCP project, Froxlor not only includes fixes for known errors from SysCP, but also offers many additional features. In addition to usable configuration templates in the administration interface for server services, further instructions and patches for additional software installations such as ClamAV , Spamassassin , Mailman and many more are available in the Froxlor forum and wiki .


Froxlor offers a multi-level user system in which administrators, resellers and customers can be created and managed. By dual stack the created domains via IPv4 and IPv6 are made accessible can. Limits can be set per customer as to how many subdomains, e-mail accounts, FTP accounts or MySQL databases they can use. Furthermore, Froxlor offers the configuration of SSL certificates, advanced configurations for PHP and Perl, the creation of FTP users and MySQL databases, as well as quota management.

In addition, a support ticket system, traffic statistics for the HTTP, mail and FTP traffic, a theme engine and a WebFTP client are included in Froxlor.

Supported systems and software

Froxlor is suitable for use under the following distributions :

The following software is actively supported:


Froxlor can be obtained from Git , Tarballs or the package management (e.g. APT , RPM and Portage ) of the distribution used.


The development of the software is coordinated via Github , there is also a bug tracking system in which registered users can enter error messages and feature requests, as well as a help forum.

security breach

On July 29, 2015, a serious security hole became public, which made it possible for attackers to read database passwords from a publicly accessible log file and thereby gain access to the entire database. On the same day an update was released that closes the security gap.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Official announcement of Forks
  2. Features ( Memento from May 12, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (
  3. Dangerous security hole in Froxlor - customer forum . July 29, 2015. Accessed July 30, 2015.