Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother of God

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St. Gabriel Possenti CP

Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother of God ( Italian S. Gabriele dell'Addolorata ), sometimes referred to as Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin , born as Francesco Possenti (born March 1, 1838 in Assisi , † February 27, 1862 in Isola del Gran Sasso d ' Italia ), was an Italian friar . He has been venerated as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church since 1920 .


Born into an influential family in 1838, the young Francesco Possenti followed a relaxed lifestyle; In 1856 it changed due to family blows. After looking at a portrait of the Mater Dolorosa , he said he had a mystical experience. In the same year he entered the order of the Passionists . There he took the religious name Gabriel from the painful Mother of God and studied philosophy and theology . His way of life and his piety were considered exemplary. In the Convent of Isola in the Gran Sasso d'Italia spent brother Gabriel the last two and a half years of his life and died on 27 February 1862 pulmonary tuberculosis before giving him the priest could consecrate.


Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother of God was beatified by Pope Pius X on May 31, 1908 and by Pope Benedict XV on May 13, 1920 . canonized. His feast day in the liturgy is February 27th . He is called upon as the patron of the youth, especially the theology students.

The Roman titular church of San Gabriele dell'Addolorata is dedicated to St. Gabriel . A relic of the saint is kept and venerated in the parish church of St. Bonifatius in Selters (Westerwald) . The Apostolic Prefecture of Yurimaguas , which had been entrusted to the Passionists, was established in 1921, a year after his canonization, on the Río Marañón and its tributaries in Peru . It was called the Apostolic Prefecture of San Gabriel de la Dolorosa del Marañón .

Gabriel figure in the Munich Church of the Birth of the Virgin

Web links

Commons : Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Conferencia Episcopal Peruana: Directorio Eclesiástico 2002 . CEP, Lima 2002, p. 1155.