Carpathian wreath

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Carpathian wreath
Gentianella lutescens a5.jpg

Carpathian wreath ( Gentianella lutescens )

Euasterids I
Order : Enzianartige (Gentianales)
Family : Gentian Family (Gentianaceae)
Genre : Wreath anian ( Gentianella )
Type : Carpathian wreath
Scientific name
Gentianella lutescens
( Velen. ) Holub

The Carpathian ring gentian ( Gentianella lutescens ) is a plant from the genus of gentianella ( Gentianella ) in the family of Gentianaceae (Gentianaceae).


Vegetative characteristics

The Carpathian Kranzian is a biennial herbaceous plant that reaches heights of 3 to 40 centimeters. It is unbranched or branched in the upper part. The opposite arranged stem leaves are glabrous, narrow-egg-shaped with a blunt upper end. Only the top leaves are pointed.

Generative characteristics

The flowers are in a racemose inflorescence .

The flowers are usually five-fold with a double flower envelope . The linear calyx lobes are shorter than or equal to the length of the wingless calyx tube, two calyx lobes are wider than the rest. Their edge is smooth or rolled back. The bays between the calyx tips are blunt or almost pointed. The purple or yellowish crown is 18 to 25 millimeters long.

The capsule fruit is stalked.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 36.


Gentianella lutescens is widespread in eastern Central Europe and the northern half of the Balkan Peninsula . The species occurs there mostly in the mountains. It usually thrives in poor grasslands .


It was first described in 1889 under the name ( Basionym ) Gentiana lutescens by the Czech botanist Josef Velenovský . The new combination to Gentianella lutescens (Velen.) Holub was published in 1967 by Josef Holub . The specific epithet lutescens means yellowish.


  • NM Pritchard, TG Tutin : Gentianella. In: TG Tutin, VH Heywood, NA Burges, DM Moore, DH Valentine, SM Walters, DA Webb (eds.): Flora Europaea . Volume 3: Diapensiaceae to Myoporaceae . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1972, ISBN 0-521-08489-X , pp. 66–67 (English, limited preview in Google Book Search).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Gentianella lutescens (Velen.) Holub, Karpaten-Kranzian. In:
  2. a b c NM Pritchard, TG Tutin : Gentianella. In: TG Tutin, VH Heywood, NA Burges, DM Moore, DH Valentine, SM Walters, DA Webb (eds.): Flora Europaea . Volume 3: Diapensiaceae to Myoporaceae . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1972, ISBN 0-521-08489-X , pp. 66–67 (English, limited preview in Google Book Search).
  3. a b Erich Oberdorfer : Plant-sociological excursion flora for Germany and neighboring areas . With the collaboration of Angelika Schwabe and Theo Müller. 8th, heavily revised and expanded edition. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5 , pp.  759 .

Web links

Commons : Karpaten-Kranzenzian ( Gentianella lutescens )  - album with pictures, videos and audio files